What Effects Does Cocaine Have on the Body?
Question by : What effects does cocaine have on the body?
I have always wondered about it. I have read somewhere that it enhances your personality. How does it enhance your personality? Also what if your an asshole?
Best answer:
Answer by daisythecow
Short-term cocaine effects include:
Increased… Continue reading
Geoff Huegill Apologises for “commotion” After Allegedly Being Caught With Cocaine – Sydney Morning Herald
Geoff Huegill apologises for “commotion” after allegedly being caught with cocaine – Sydney Morning Herald
The Guardian |
Geoff Huegill apologises for "commotion" after allegedly being caught with cocaine Sydney Morning Herald Former Olympic swimmer Geoff Huegill has apologised to anyone he has let down after he and his wife were… Continue reading |
If Honorable Mr. George Walker Bush Dies From a Heart Attack, How Will You Explain the Cause of the Death?
Question by :) Has No Idea Of Politics (:: If honorable Mr. George Walker Bush dies from a heart attack, how will you explain the cause of the death?
Best answer:
Answer by Boomer Wisdom
I’ll assume you are aware that he has an amazingly… Continue reading
How Do Overdoses Work?
Question by : How do overdoses work?
So im usually careful but I took 2 prescription drugs (valium and dilaudid) after taking cocaine. and i do I know you’re not supposed to take any of these together. Im usually very careful, but tonight (technically last night) I wasn’t.
Without going… Continue reading
The Beautiful Game in Brasil: Photography by Christopher Pillitz
The Beautiful Game in Brasil: Photography by Christopher Pillitz
His one addiction “when you hear it [ball hitting the net] you spend the whole of the next week longing to hear it again,” Huntelaar told UEFA.com. “It's like the elixir of life.” Louis van Gaal, current … Opting to prematurely… Continue reading
How Much Cocaine Is Too Much?
Question by Mike: How much cocaine is too much?
In your opinion, how much cocaine in one night/sitting is doing too much? For example if a new user of cocaine snorted 3 grams in 2 hours, is that a lot? Tell me what binging on cocaine does to your body… Continue reading
Jayson Blair, Judy Miller and the Shrinking New York Times
Jayson Blair, Judy Miller and the shrinking New York Times
There were plenty of signs of trouble, too: Blair had been in rehab for cocaine and alcohol abuse, and well before the plagiarism scandal broke, his work was often seen as dubious and full of mistakes. The number of corrections… Continue reading
What Are the Effects of Cocaine? (Read Details)?
Question by heartsandstars: What are the effects of cocaine? (Read details)?
My boyfriend and I are going through a rough patch (long story) and we broke up then today, 3 days later, we talked and he’d been doing coke all day for the last 3 days. We were talking on… Continue reading
What Are the Long Terms Effect of Crack Cocaine???? I Need Good Answers!!!!!!!!!?
Question by sincere: what are the long terms effect of crack cocaine???? i need good answers!!!!!!!!!?
Best answer:
Answer by Mindy
Brain effects:
Even after months of abstaining, people who have used cocaine for a long time can have problems thinking, such as… Continue reading
What Happens if You Overdose on Slimming Pills ?!?
Question by Jenna H: What Happens If You Overdose On Slimming Pills ?!?
my sisters friend recently broke up with her boyfriend and he started calling her about her weight, he upset her that much she overdosed on slimming pills,
if you know please can you tell me what could… Continue reading