Can the Usage of Cocaine on a Daily Base Lead to Suicide?
Question by Shallow Grave: Can the usage of cocaine on a daily base lead to suicide?
Is there a possible link between suicide and the usage of cocaine?
Best answer:
Answer by Aaron
First off let me say the use of any drug is… Continue reading
What Support Is There for Family Members of Someone Who Is Going Through Treatment for a Cocaine Addiction?
Question by cream: What support is there for family members of someone who is going through treatment for a cocaine addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by kameo_44
go to counselling with them and also attend alanon meetings or group meeting at the counselling office their going to. you… Continue reading
FBCSO: Narcotics Bust Nets $30K of Cocaine, Xanax, Marijuana – KPRC Houston
FBCSO: Narcotics bust nets K of cocaine, Xanax, marijuana – KPRC Houston
KPRC Houston |
FBCSO: Narcotics bust nets $ 30K of cocaine, Xanax, marijuana KPRC Houston Three family members are in jail following a drug bust in the Sugar Land area. A narcotics task force, made up of local… Continue reading |
FBCSO: Narcotics Bust Nets $30K of Cocaine, Xanax, Marijuana – KPRC Houston
FBCSO: Narcotics bust nets K of cocaine, Xanax, marijuana – KPRC Houston
KPRC Houston |
FBCSO: Narcotics bust nets $ 30K of cocaine, Xanax, marijuana KPRC Houston Three family members are in jail following a drug bust in the Sugar Land area. A narcotics task force, made up of local… Continue reading |
My Father Is a Heavy Cocaine User and He Is Making Our Live Here in Florida Miserable. What Can We Do ?
Question by curious: My father is a heavy cocaine user and he is making our live here in Florida Miserable. What can we do ?
He hallucinates, stays up all night long yelling and cursing accusing family members of outlandish things. Our lives… Continue reading
Heroin Use Taking a Toll on Pennsylvania
Heroin use taking a toll on Pennsylvania
THE RESPONSE: Bills are pending in the Legislature to establish a prescription drug database to track opiates and discourage doctor and pharmacist shopping; to give police, firefighters and family members access to the heroin-overdose antidote naloxone …
Read more on New Pittsburgh Courier… Continue reading
Daily Consumption of Cocaine?
Question by tbaer1985: Daily consumption of cocaine?
I am writing a movie screenplay and am wondering about how much would a moderate to heavy user of cocaine via snorting use in a day and or week?
Thank you….
Best answer:
Answer by Susan S
Try asking… Continue reading
I Suspect My Friend Is Using Cocaine?
Question by mike k: I suspect my friend is using cocaine?
I know she has had a history of cocaine abuse but told me she has stopped. I havent seen her in afew months until yesterday and dropped maybe 20 pounds and looks almost anorexic and has shaky… Continue reading
How Can You Tell if Someone Does Heavy Drugs Like Cocaine or Heroin?
Question by Patrick: How can you tell if someone does heavy drugs like cocaine or heroin?
Best answer:
Answer by Faisal
There are many signs, both physical and behavioral, that indicate drug use. Each drug has its own unique manifestations but there are some general indications that a person is… Continue reading