Is My Applicant for Foster Parenting a Current/former Drug User?
Question by LIZ: Is my applicant for foster parenting a current/former drug user?
I really need some feedback on a specific symptom indicating current or former drug usage. I am in the process of assessing someone to be a foster parent. She is always doing that twitch where you… Continue reading
Challenges Jif Staff
Challenges Jif Staff –
Cameron Douglas Case Won't Crack Drug War
Filed under: cocaine addiction treatment centers
MANHATTAN (CN) – The son of actor Michael Douglas earned his harsh sentence for blowing "biggest opportunity of his life" by using heroin behind bars, the 2nd Circuit ruled, though it… Continue reading
Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine Addiction – In a therapy session, the patient has a major cocaine addiction. *I do not support the use of cocaine and neither do my actors, this was shot over a year ago…
New Study could Provide Treatment Option for Cocaine Addiction
Filed under: cocaine abuse help… Continue reading
Addiction Inpatient That Works- Call 1-855-885-8651
Addiction Inpatient That Works- Call 1-855-885-8651 – Do you or a Loved one Continually battling with Addiction, we can provide help with addiction inpatient. Alcoholism Hinders the entire Family. Http://www.Val…
Our View: Drug testing policy fair
Filed under: cocaine addiction intervention
The tests are not designed to place… Continue reading
Glory M777 Howitzer Live Fire
Glory M777 howitzer live fire – Video by Sgt. Bradley Parrish 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division Fort Campbell, KY – U.S. Soldiers from Bravo Battery, 4th Battalion, 320th Fie…
Cambodia arrests 1788 drug suspects in 2012
Filed under: recreational cocaine use
The illicit drugs seized from… Continue reading
Has Marijuana Helped You? How Hard Is It to Quit?
Question by : Has marijuana helped you? How hard is it to quit?
I am 14 and smoke weed. It started every other weekend but now i do it like 3 times a week. This week i had no connection and i can tell u from 4 months of smoking… Continue reading
Do You Think They Will Legalize Marijuana Soon?
Question by Spencer: do you think they will legalize marijuana soon?
i want to become a process server when i am older, but they do drug tests ext. but i smoke a fair bit, usually from surgery pains they dont why i have yet. so i find smoking makes… Continue reading
Cocaine Addiction? Help Please?
Question by brilili: cocaine addiction? Help please?
My boyfriend hadn’t used cocaine a lot. probably like once or twice. but for a whole month he snorted it every single day. Now i’m trying to make him stop. He says he’s not addicted but i think he is bcuz he… Continue reading
5 Signs Your Teen Is Using Cocaine
5 Signs Your Teen Is Using Cocaine – Drug Testing Expert Douglas Chinchar educates you about drugs and teenage drug use.
DA to announce details in death of Andy Reid's son
Filed under: signs of using cocaine
"As parents, we were encouraged by his apparent progress but,… Continue reading
What Symptoms Do People Have After Taking Drugs Like E’s and Pot?
Question by ?mum: What symptoms do people have after taking drugs like E’s and pot?
my ex and i have a son together and he previously took drugs before we went out and now i think hes back on them because he just snaps at me for no reason… Continue reading