Lucas County Commissioners, Other Officials Address Prescription Drug Abuse …
Lucas County Commissioners, other officials address prescription drug abuse …
In the United States more than 15 million people abuse prescription drugs – more than the combined number who reported abusing cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants and heroin, according to national health statistics compiled by county officials. Every day …
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Both Police Chief Finalists Have Big Hand in the Department's 'Madison Way'
Both police chief finalists have big hand in the department's 'Madison way'
But those residents had Gloede's ear, and he worked with them to put up — and enforce — “No Trespassing” signs in the area and install better lighting around apartments where drug dealers worked in the shadows, McCaw… Continue reading
Anyone Know Anything About Methadone Treatment?
Question by Ashley F: anyone know anything about methadone treatment?
Hi.i am just curious of others experiences. My husband and I have been on methadone for a year now. at a local methadone treatment center in our area. We have 3 kids. and our lives have improoved 9483%… Continue reading
{;[]^# Albendazole Dosage for Dogs
{;[]^# Albendazole dosage for dogs
I think that law enforcement has recognized that seizing the money hurts the drug dealers far more than seizing their cocaine. I am meeting with my doctor next week to talk about all the different … Treatment of patients and sex partners results in …… Continue reading
Jailed: Drug Dealers Found Trading Crack Cocaine and Heroin in Popular Ely Lane
Jailed: drug dealers found trading crack cocaine and heroin in popular Ely lane
“These men were involved in highly-addictive and destructive drugs in a lane used by innocent members of public going about their business,” he said. “Hopefully these sentences will reassure the community that we do take action where… Continue reading
Question on Teen Drug Abuse?
Question by Scotty B: Question on teen drug abuse?
Ok before i even begin this question i want to say i will be talking about marijuana and this is the drug that has most peoples opinions on it but one thing i ask not to do is not talk about… Continue reading
Brockton Police Cross Another Name Off 'Worst Criminals' List
Brockton Police cross another name off 'worst criminals' list
BROCKTON — Brockton Police continued their crackdown on alleged drug dealers in the city Thursday after police said they intercepted a heroin and cocaine delivery and made three arrests. … school zone violation, conspiracy to violate the Controlled …
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Study: Friends Common Source of Abused Meds
Study: Friends common source of abused meds
CHICAGO (AP) – Most people who abuse addictive prescription painkillers get them for free from friends or relatives, while drug dealers are a relatively uncommon source for those at highest risk for deadly overdoses, a U.S. government study found …
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Friends Common Source of Abused Prescription Meds
Friends Common Source of Abused Prescription Meds
Most people who abuse addictive prescription painkillers get them for free from friends or relatives, while drug dealers are a relatively uncommon source for those at highest risk for deadly overdoses, a government study found. People who abuse the …
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Covington Police Pursuing 60 Alleged Drug Traffickers
Covington Police pursuing 60 alleged drug traffickers
Jones said this isn't the first time an investigation has warranted the aid of air surveillance, and it won't be the last. "When we're involved in an operation of this size, we prefer to use a helicopter or a small plane," he said.… Continue reading