drug charges

Trip Turk – Cocaine Intoxication


Trip Turk – Cocaine Intoxication – Ceyhan Ün & Murat Pakten.


Marijuana is drug most often linked to crime, study finds

Filed under: symptoms of using cocaine

Cocaine ranked as the second most commonly found drug in all the cities, with the exception of Sacramento, where methamphetamine was… Continue reading

Drug Lord Thanks America for Keeping Drugs Illegal


Drug Lord Thanks America for Keeping Drugs Illegal – The war on drugs has resulted in billion dollar profits for cartels, more deaths than the Iraq war, and millions of lives ruined from petty drug charges for minor possession. An organization called LEAP Law Enforcement Against Prohibition has dealt… Continue reading

Any Struggling Opiate Addicts?

Question by : Any struggling opiate addicts?
Any struggling opiate addicts out there needing some advice? First of all I was a major Vicodin addict 3.5 years ago and quit cold turkey which was hell!! I am not a doctor of any sort just beat the habit with some helpful… Continue reading

I Need Some Help Please?

Question by Tori D: I need some help please?
I am on birth control (have been for a couple months now) and I also smoke both marijuana and cigarettes (but I do not smoke cigarettes all that much; it is mostly marijuana). Considering all of this, is my chance… Continue reading

“Getting Off Right” an Intravenous Drug Use Safety Video Part 3


“Getting Off Right” an intravenous drug use safety video part 3 – Part 3 of 4


Two men face drug charges following separate vehicle stops

Filed under: iv cocaine use

Also, on Thursday, police charged a man with possession of schedule I-V and possession of marijuana (1st offense)… Continue reading

Dr. Antoine Boustany – Part1


Dr. Antoine Boustany – Part1 – Dr. Antoine Boustany – Part1


Chester Springs Woman Facing Drug Charges After Apparent Overdose

Filed under: treatment for cocaine

When state police arrived on the scene the woman was receiving treatment from EMS personal. The officer noted that, in plain view on… Continue reading