What Are the Symptoms of Someone on Crack Cocaine?
Question by Kayla ?: What are the symptoms of someone on crack cocaine?
I need REAL symptoms.
Best answer:
Answer by sam f
Answer by c?cr ? –
I don’t know how much this will help, but I’ll try to do so to the best of my… Continue reading
From Drinking Blood to Chewing Ice the Top 10 Weirdest Addictions
From drinking blood to chewing ice the top 10 weirdest addictions
Scientists at Boston Children's Hospital say it's all about the processed carbohydrates, which are absorbed quickly and cause a blood sugar rush followed by a comedown. But this food fix sounds pretty run-of-the-mill … The teaching assistant drank …… Continue reading
Recovering From Cocaine Addiction?
Question by tickleme27mj: Recovering from cocaine addiction?
My boyfriend is trying to stop using powder cocaine after years of use. I need to know what to expect from him. I have heard that I should expect mood swings, but what other things? Is there physical symtoms, too? He is complaining… Continue reading
Help Preventing Thoughts Going Off on Wild Tangents?
Question by Ben: Help preventing thoughts going off on wild tangents?
I especially notice this problem when watching movies. I will catch myself thinking about something else when I was originally trying to focus on the movie. It makes it difficult in understanding what is going on in… Continue reading
How to Quit drinking.how to Stop drinking.how to Quit smoking.addiction treatment.drug Abuse
how to quit drinking.how to stop drinking.how to quit smoking.addiction treatment.drug abuse — http://free-review-tips.info/drugrehabadvisor ,how to quit drinking.how to stop drinking.how to quit smoking.addiction treatment.alcoholism treatment,There h…
Chinese Medicine for Addiction
These withdrawal symptoms make it very difficult for those who are recovering to take full advantage of program offerings.… Continue reading
Women, Sugar and Addiction
Women, Sugar and Addiction
We have heard stories for years about the addictive nature of junk food, and most recently the big news comparing the addictive nature of Oreos to Cocaine. We have learned that sugar truly affects our brain by altering neurotransmitters, which actually …
Read more on hitched… Continue reading
Addictiveness of Crack Cocaine?
Question by GunsOfAllah: Addictiveness of crack cocaine?
Only answer if you’ve been there. I have strong willpower and sometimes I think a good test of willpower is to see if I can resist the addictive effects of crack cocaine. How strong is the crack urge with respect to thigns like… Continue reading
Symptoms of Drug Use(crystal Meth/tik)?
Question by Lily: symptoms of drug use(crystal meth/tik)?
Does anyone know the symtoms for people that use crystal-meth/tik. Like how do you know if they use it. and please for heroine also. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Scarlet Cyanide
The most disturbing sign of meth addiction is the classic meth-user… Continue reading