High Fructose Corn Syrup Addictive Like Cocaine – Glucose-Fructose Corn Sugar
High Fructose Corn Syrup Addictive Like Cocaine – Glucose-Fructose Corn Sugar — Is the obesity epidemic due to the addictive qualities in food or that a lot more food is cheap and plentiful than ever before in history? A paper presented …
Depression: Ketamine Eyes Hath Seen The Glory?
So… Continue reading
Is There Any Medication for Crack Cocaine Addiction to Stop the Cravings ?
Question by blimp: is there any medication for crack cocaine addiction to stop the cravings ?
Best answer:
Answer by bluecai22
If a person is an addict, a doctor can use bupropion or imipramine for the cocaine-induced cravings. To prevent future highs, a person would be put on… Continue reading
How Does One Overcome Cocaine Addiction?
Question by angie t: How does one overcome cocaine addiction?
I am a professional, I am in law school but I am addicted to cocaine. It happened 3 years ago after a break up, before which I had never touched drugs. I want so bad to stop and… Continue reading
How Long Does It Take Emotions to Balance After Quitting Cocaine?
Question by Dream Achiever: How long does it take emotions to balance after quitting cocaine?
I’m a recovering cocaine addict, and I’m wondering how long it will take before my emotions stabilize? I cry about everything and I get depressed sometimes for no reason. I’m told this is what it’s… Continue reading
Have You Ever Done Cocaine?
Question by Katie: Have you ever done Cocaine?
What does it feel like? My brother used to snort it, but i personally never have. I for the most part just smoke a joint from time to time. I have no intrest in trying coke or herion or anything like… Continue reading
I Believe That One Day I May Become a Drug Addict, Please Help?
Question by alyssa: I believe that one day I may become a drug addict, please help?
I am 20 and think that one day I may be a dug addict. My mom is a current alcoholic and drug addict (I believe Xanax, because she is prescribed them or heroin… Continue reading
Crack Cocaine Addict That Makes a Differance – 1-855-885-8651
crack cocaine addict that makes a differance – 1-855-885-8651 – Are you or a Loved one Continuallystruggle with Cocaine Addiction, we can provide help with addiction inpatient treatment. Cocaine Abuse hurts the Whole Fami…
George Jones dead at 81
Filed under: signs of crack cocaine use
Rich and… Continue reading
Crack Cocaine Addicts That Makes a Differance – 1-855-885-8651
crack cocaine addicts that makes a differance – 1-855-885-8651 – Are you or a Loved one Continually battle with Cocaine Addiction, we can provide help with addiction inpatient treatment. Cocaine Abuse harms the Whole Famil…
SXSW: The Good The Bad and The Ugly Fest
Filed under: signs of… Continue reading
How Do You Manage an Addiction to Something You Can’t Quit Entirely?
Question by Chris H: How do you manage an addiction to something you can’t quit entirely?
I stopped drinking, and smoking crack, and everything else, and its all dandy for 10+ years. But the internet–honest to god, the mental effect is somewhat similar to cocaine. However, I don’t think… Continue reading