cocaine users

Geoff Huegill Apologises for “commotion” After Allegedly Being Caught With Cocaine – Sydney Morning Herald

Geoff Huegill apologises for “commotion” after allegedly being caught with cocaine – Sydney Morning Herald

The Guardian
Geoff Huegill apologises for "commotion" after allegedly being caught with cocaine
Sydney Morning Herald
Former Olympic swimmer Geoff Huegill has apologised to anyone he has let down after he and his wife were… Continue reading

Cocaine-Related Emergencies

Cocaine-related emergencies — Several thousands of cocaine-related emergencies are reported in Europe every year, representing a considerable burden on services. In this POD, the EMCDDA s…

Brain Differences in College-Aged Occasional Drug Users
Among the study's main implications is the possibility of being able to use brain activity patterns as… Continue reading

Lamar 'furious' That Khloe's Moving On

Lamar 'furious' that Khloe's moving on
The reality TV star split from Lamar, who signed a new multi-year deal with the New York Knicks this week, following months of rumours he was addicted to cocaine and cheated on her. Her estranged husband, 34, is “unimpressed” that she has moved on …… Continue reading

How Can I Stop Cocaine Use?

Question by sebatian w: how can i stop cocaine use?
I am 25 year old male in florida i spend about $ 1,000.00 evry two weeks i need help

Best answer:

Answer by ?~???~?®
First of all, you need to go to a… Continue reading

My Father Is a Heavy Cocaine User and He Is Making Our Live Here in Florida Miserable. What Can We Do ?

Question by curious: My father is a heavy cocaine user and he is making our live here in Florida Miserable. What can we do ?
He hallucinates, stays up all night long yelling and cursing accusing family members of outlandish things. Our lives… Continue reading

Brain Differences in College-Aged Occasional Drug Users

Brain differences in college-aged occasional drug users
Among the study's main implications is the possibility of being able to use brain activity patterns as a means of identifying at-risk youth long before they have any obvious outward signs of addictive behaviors. The study is … "If you show me 100… Continue reading

What Are the Effects of Cocaine? (Read Details)?

Question by heartsandstars: What are the effects of cocaine? (Read details)?
My boyfriend and I are going through a rough patch (long story) and we broke up then today, 3 days later, we talked and he’d been doing coke all day for the last 3 days. We were talking on… Continue reading

Patrick Brazeau Released, With Promise to Check Into Rehab (With Video)

Patrick Brazeau released, with promise to check into rehab (with video)
OTTAWA — Disgraced former senator Patrick Brazeau was released on $ 5,000 bail Friday afternoon, under the condition that he seek treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. A Quebec court judge gave him three days to check into the… Continue reading

What Are the Long Terms Effect of Crack Cocaine???? I Need Good Answers!!!!!!!!!?

Question by sincere: what are the long terms effect of crack cocaine???? i need good answers!!!!!!!!!?

Best answer:

Answer by Mindy
Brain effects:

Even after months of abstaining, people who have used cocaine for a long time can have problems thinking, such as… Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Prescribing to Addicts

The pros and cons of prescribing to addicts
Last October, it amended the special access program (which makes restricted drugs available for research purposes) to prevent clinicians from prescribing heroin, cocaine, and ecstasy. After being ordered to extend the operating permits of Vancouver's …
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