cocaine trafficking

RPT-INSIGHT-Surge in Cocaine Trade Undermines Conde’s Bid to Revive Guinea – Reuters

RPT-INSIGHT-Surge in cocaine trade undermines Conde’s bid to revive Guinea – Reuters

RPT-INSIGHT-Surge in cocaine trade undermines Conde's bid to revive Guinea
CONAKRY, Jan 31 (Reuters) – A surge in cocaine trafficking has transformed Guinea into West Africa's latest drug hot spot, jeopardizing President Alpha Conde's efforts to rebuild… Continue reading

Insight: Surge in Cocaine Trade Undermines Conde’s Bid to Revive Guinea

Insight: Surge in cocaine trade undermines Conde’s bid to revive Guinea
CONAKRY (Reuters) – A surge in cocaine trafficking has transformed Guinea into West Africa’s latest drug hot spot, jeopardizing President Alpha Conde’s efforts to rebuild state institutions after a military coup and attract billion of dollars in mining …… Continue reading

DEA Officers Bust Amtrak Passenger With 2.2-Pounds of Cocaine Hidden Inside … – New York Daily News

DEA officers bust Amtrak passenger with 2.2-pounds of cocaine hidden inside … – New York Daily News

New York Daily News
DEA officers bust Amtrak passenger with 2.2-pounds of cocaine hidden inside
New York Daily News
Busted by the long leg of the law. An Amtrak passenger was arrested… Continue reading

Insight: Surge in Cocaine Trade Undermines Conde’s Bid to Revive Guinea

Insight: Surge in cocaine trade undermines Conde’s bid to revive Guinea
CONAKRY (Reuters) – A surge in cocaine trafficking has transformed Guinea into West Africa’s latest drug hot spot, jeopardizing President Alpha Conde’s efforts to rebuild state institutions after a military coup and attract billion of dollars in mining …… Continue reading

Insight: Surge in Cocaine Trade Undermines Conde’s Bid to Revive Guinea

Insight: Surge in cocaine trade undermines Conde’s bid to revive Guinea
CONAKRY (Reuters) – A surge in cocaine trafficking has transformed Guinea into West Africa’s latest drug hot spot, jeopardizing President Alpha Conde’s efforts to rebuild state institutions after a military coup and attract billion of dollars in mining …… Continue reading

REFILE-INSIGHT-Surge in Cocaine Trade Undermines Conde’s Bid to Revive Guinea

REFILE-INSIGHT-Surge in cocaine trade undermines Conde’s bid to revive Guinea
CONAKRY, Jan 31 (Reuters) – A surge in cocaine trafficking has transformed Guinea into … “Authorities know traffickers are there but are powerless to do anything. They need international help.” Part of the problem is that Col.
cocaine – Bing… Continue reading

Insight: Surge in Cocaine Trade Undermines Conde’s Bid to Revive Guinea – Reuters

Insight: Surge in cocaine trade undermines Conde’s bid to revive Guinea – Reuters

Insight: Surge in cocaine trade undermines Conde's bid to revive Guinea
A lack of government figures makes estimating volumes tricky, but a foreign security source said one or two planes landed each month last year, ferrying… Continue reading

Addiction Study Guide Addiction to Crack Cocaine

Addiction Study Guide Addiction to Crack Cocaine — Relying on the right study materials is absolutely essential for success on the Addiction Counseling test. What you see i…

Rochester man charged in cocaine trafficking case
GENESEO — An alleged crack cocaine trafficker was jailed Friday on a felony charge,… Continue reading

Ex-Glendale Police Officer, Associate Accused of Cocaine Trafficking – the Denver Channel

Ex-Glendale police officer, associate accused of cocaine trafficking – The Denver Channel

The Denver Channel
Ex-Glendale police officer, associate accused of cocaine trafficking
The Denver Channel
According to the indictment, Black is accused of assisting Garcia with cocaine trafficking by using his official law enforcement position to request Glendale police… Continue reading

D’ya Think I Should Ask a Doctor if I Have Add or Adhd?

Question by georgy: d’ya think i should ask a doctor if i have add or adhd?
so it’s 6am lol, i’ve stayed up all night trying to write something for english, but every time i start to write i get distracted and do something else. i’ve been looking at… Continue reading