'Archer' Review: "Smuggler'S Blues"
'Archer' Review: "Smuggler's Blues"
'Archer' season 5 adds a bit more 'Vice' in its latest episode “Smuggler's Blues,” as Archer, Cyril and Ray head to Columbia in search of a buyer for their cocaine, while Malory and Lana worry about their fate from back home. Previous 'Archer …
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What Happens if Someone Takes Too Much Cocaine?
Question by ?: What happens if someone takes too much cocaine?
i know that they will die, but is there anything else that could happen to the person? or is death the only thing that can happen.
Best answer:
Answer by Hannah
serious health issues that kill you… Continue reading
Effects of Cocaine? Please Help?
Question by Akbar C: effects of cocaine? please help?
my friend gave me a back of cocaine a few months back and just now i decided to try and snort a little.
i think i only took like a gram or two, but it feels kinda like burning in my… Continue reading
Robinson: We're Losing This Drug War
Robinson: We're losing this drug war
Our drug policy of prohibition and interdiction makes it difficult and dangerous for people like Hoffman to get high, but not impossible — and makes these tragic overdose deaths more common than they have to be. The obvious problem is that when an …… Continue reading
This Is a Question About Cocaine?
Question by ashlie c: this is a question about cocaine?
how much coke would you have to do to overdose? and what are the first symptoms over overdosing. and what should you do if you are besides calling 911?
Best answer:
Answer by Reeve
dont do coke. sniffing – to… Continue reading
Doctors Are Top Source of Prescription Drugs for Chronic Abusers
Doctors are top source of prescription drugs for chronic abusers
The study, published Monday by the Journal of the American Medical Assn., echoes a 2012 Times investigation that found drugs prescribed by doctors caused or contributed to nearly half of the prescription overdose deaths in Southern California in recent …… Continue reading
Friends Common Source of Abused Meds
Friends common source of abused meds
… 1999 to 2010, with more than 16,000 deaths that year. By contrast, overdose deaths that involved heroin and cocaine totaled less than 8,000, and deaths that involved often-abused prescription drugs that include anti-anxiety medication totaled about …
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Demi Lovato Talks Cocaine Addiction (VIDEO)! Miley Cyrus Teases Selena Gomez?
Demi Lovato Talks Cocaine Addiction (VIDEO)! Miley Cyrus Teases Selena Gomez? — Demi Lovato Talks Cocaine Addiction (VIDEO)! Miley Cyrus Teases Selena Gomez? More Celebrity News ?? Demi Lovato Talks Cocaine Addiction (VIDEO)! Miley Cyrus…
Lawmakers propose 'Good Samaritan' law
A pair of bills introduced by state lawmakers could give… Continue reading
Is Cocaine That Physically Harmful?
Question by brian: Is cocaine that physically harmful?
I have done cocaine for years no side affects That I know of I know I should stop but it’s fun to do a bump on the weekends how harmful is it to my body. I eat healthy workout daily… Continue reading
Chris Herren Stops by and Chats About the Importance of Just Being Yourself
Chris Herren stops by and chats about the importance of just being yourself
He was a poster boy in college who got a second and third chance after one tragic line of cocaine off a Boston College dorm desk eventually led to four overdoses. Each misstep has been chronicled in… Continue reading