cocaine overdose

House Armed Services Committee Hearing

House Armed Services Committee Hearing
The majority of heroin sold in the United States comes from either Colombia or Mexico , and we are seeing a significant increase in heroin-related overdoses and deaths in our country. n4 Additionally, opium poppy production now appears to be increasing …
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Medications Are Killing US

Medications are killing US — Medications are killing US, Yes its a fact, many drugs have side effects, that can be worst than the sickness: The number of deaths and hospitalizations caus…

AP Top News at 7:48 pm EST
SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine (AP) — Armed men described as Russian troops took… Continue reading

Eric Holder Says Heroin Overdoses Are 'an Urgent and Growing Public Health Crisis'

Eric Holder says heroin overdoses are 'an urgent and growing public health crisis'
In a press release, Holder said the Justice Department plans to ramp up efforts to save lives through more vigorous enforcement and treatment efforts. But he also wants to make sure that first responders have the necessary… Continue reading

Six Men Indicted for Running Three Separate Drug Rings in Brooklyn

Six Men Indicted for Running Three Separate Drug Rings in Brooklyn
Six Men Indicted for Running Three Separate Drug Rings in Brooklyn. Prosecutors say in one case, three of the men ran a drug delivery service in which people would order cocaine, marijuana and other drugs by phone. Police say… Continue reading

What Are the Signs of Overdosing?

Question by ChaoticTemptations: what are the signs of overdosing?
my mom is insane. lets just say that. but what are the signs of her O.D ing? this is what shes doing: stumbling around not knowing what shes doing. wearing her underware and a shirt. her eyes are super wide and… Continue reading

The Forgotten Victims of Human Trafficking

The forgotten victims of human trafficking
"They start offering drugs to us until you get addicted – mostly cocaine or heroin – so most of the girls can't leave because they've turned into addicts." One of the girls she worked with died of a heroin overdose. She was only 19.… Continue reading

Craig Gordon Looking for Fresh Start After Conquering Knee Problem

Craig Gordon looking for fresh start after conquering knee problem
Maybe if this had happened to somebody else, they would have had to go out and get a job but I have been able to focus all my attention on different types of treatment and trying to get back playing."… Continue reading

Good Future Rehab Center-

Good Future Rehab Center- — Good Future Drug Rehab Center in FL and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Programs is provided in a safe, nurturing and drug free environment. Good Future Best Drug Ab…

Opiate abuse may be up, but overdose deaths are flat
Peter Shumlin highlighted the opiate addiction crisis in… Continue reading

How Much Cocaine Will It Take to Overdose/kill Someone? Respond Asap Please =]?

Question by Sean: How much cocaine will it take to overdose/kill someone? Respond asap please =]?
My girlfriend is 145 weight, 5″10.. shes got a fast metabolism and works out daily, she is jacked, so she works out everything not just running. She also smokes around a pack… Continue reading

Heroin Arrests Hit Record in Brown County

Heroin arrests hit record in Brown County
The county has had one possible heroin overdose death this year, still awaiting laboratory confirmation, five last year and nine the year before, according to the Brown County Medical Examiner's office. Deaths have been declining not because heroin use …
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