cocaine overdose

Long Term Overdose Effects?

Question by Yahooer3: long term overdose effects?
I overdosed on prescription and over the counter medications a few months ago. I know that the drugs are out of my system by now, but I still feel effects from them. My heart rate stays fast all the time and… Continue reading

{;[]^# Albendazole Dosage for Dogs

{;[]^# Albendazole dosage for dogs
I think that law enforcement has recognized that seizing the money hurts the drug dealers far more than seizing their cocaine. I am meeting with my doctor next week to talk about all the different … Treatment of patients and sex partners results in …… Continue reading

Is Pot Getting More Potent?

Is pot getting more potent?
Critics of this argument, like the Drug Policy Alliance, argue that the growing number of treatment admissions have nothing to do with potency, and are instead a by-product of the war on drugs where those arrested for marijuana possession are diverted …
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Cocaine Question.?

Question by Jessica O: Cocaine question.?
Alright simple question about cocaine. What is an estimate amount that can cause an overdose by snorting it? No I do not do cocaine, I have a friend who recently has been doing it and I want to know how much can cause an… Continue reading

'The Biggest Epidemic'

'The biggest epidemic'
In 2012, nine people died from a drug overdose in the county. For comparison, county … have to talk about it.” While experts know how to handle alcohol and cocaine addictions, the heroin epidemic is something that has taxed the substance abuse system …
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What Should Parents Know About the Abuse of Prescription Drugs?

What Should Parents Know About the Abuse of Prescription Drugs? — Watch this video to learn surprising facts about prescription drugs that every parent needs to know.

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Hoffman’s Death Was Acute Drug Intoxication; Kutcher, Kunis Reportedly Engaged

Hoffman’s death was acute drug intoxication; Kutcher, Kunis reportedly engaged — Philip Seymour Hoffman died of an accidental overdose of drugs, the New York City Chief Medical Examiner said on Friday (February 28). The cause of death was…

Do You Have an Alcohol or Drug Problem?
im 27,i had a… Continue reading

Court Documents: Mom Sold Drugs to Teen Daughter, Overdose Victim

Court documents: mom sold drugs to teen daughter, overdose victim
Best is accused of selling Xanax and cocaine to Trell and Mazon's daughter, and Hartman is accused of selling Opana (a painkiller) to just Trell and marijuana to Trell and Mazon's daughter. Mazon has an April 17 trial scheduled before… Continue reading

A Matter of Time Until Heroin Shows Up in Region

A matter of time until heroin shows up in region
According a report by the Trust for America's Health, proscription drug abuse has become a top health concern across the nation, with its overdose rate higher than those connected to heroin and cocaine combined. Cavender said since 2010, prescription …
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