Dog Fighting Bust in Nashville Today Results in Seizure of Over Three Dozen Dogs
Dog fighting bust in Nashville today results in seizure of over three dozen dogs
Nashville police said the dogs came to their attention during a drug investigation involving suspected distribution of cocaine and heroin. When they went to serve search warrants on that investigation, they saw the dogs in the… Continue reading
Finance Worker Killed Ex-Girlfriend's Brother 'in Revenge for Being Dumped
Finance worker killed ex-girlfriend's brother 'in revenge for being dumped
… been drinking three bottles of wine a night. Morris also confessed to taking large doses of cocaine and had also been inhaling nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. … 'He told me he had taken four or five overdoses,' said… Continue reading
A Friend Snorted Cocaine Last Night and Now One Eye Is Smaller Than the Other, It Looks Pushed Back. Why?
Question by Lee D: A friend snorted cocaine last night and now one eye is smaller than the other, it looks pushed back. Why?
Best answer:
Answer by Give Me a HUG!
you probably snorted it too and haven’t recovered yet. Or if he’s saying that then he’s the one… Continue reading
Pro/con: Stop the Heroin Starter Drug: Tobacco; End Prohibition
Pro/con: Stop the heroin starter drug: tobacco; End prohibition
Pictures DO speak louder than words in your story. Pictured just under the title is an addict with her starter drug — the one we know as tobacco. Indeed, tobacco leads to abuse of other drugs, including alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and… Continue reading
How Lifesaving Drug Narcan Works
How lifesaving drug Narcan works
The Massachusetts Department or Public Health since 2007 has run a pilot program in which 15 health and substance abuse agencies in the state distribute Narcan and train addicts, along with their partners and relatives, on how to administer Narcan. The …
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Stop Cocaine Addiction With Drug Rehab Massachusetts.
Stop cocaine addiction with drug rehab Massachusetts. — Looking for drug rehab outside of Massachusetts? Heroin, cocaine, alcohol and prescription drug addiction are serious. Find ful…
Pew Poll Reveals Seismic Shift In Drug Policy Attitudes
Similarly, two-thirds (67%) say the government should focus more on providing treatment for people… Continue reading
Drug Addiction vs. Chocolate Addiction?
Question by greglovern: Drug Addiction vs. Chocolate Addiction?
My wife says that addition to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin are qualitatively the same thing as addition to anything else, no matter how mild, such as chocolate, and differ ONLY in the degree of their effects.
Is… Continue reading