cocaine addicts

Cocaine Addiction?

cocaine addiction treatments
by / // /

Question by Jessica: cocaine addiction?
I am starting to put two and two together. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. He has used cocaine recreationally for several years before we met but it was only once every three or four months. We… Continue reading

What Effects Does Long Term Cocaine Use Have on Itp?

Question by staci j: what effects does long term cocaine use have on itp?

first my brother was diagnosed with raynards disease (form of lupus) and i know he’s been using cocaine for some time and know he just suffered a severe nose bleed and wads admitted to… Continue reading

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center in PSL FL 855-337-8500

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center in PSL FL 855-337-8500 — Call 772-337-8500 New Life Addiction Treatment Center: Drug Rehab Center Port St. Lucie Florida. substance drug abuse detox from alcohol and other chemical d…

White poison: The danger of sugar — and how to beat it
When we treat alcoholics or… Continue reading

Does Anyone Know of a Drug Treatment Similar to Suboxone but for Cocaine Addiction?

treatment of cocaine addiction
by Alpat

Question by clcraig1: Does anyone know of a drug treatment similar to suboxone but for cocaine addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Red Dog
Not really. Although there have been some recent studies that show that taking a bicyclic antidepresent for the first 6-8 months after you stop using… Continue reading

High Fructose Corn Syrup Addictive Like Cocaine – Glucose-Fructose Corn Sugar

High Fructose Corn Syrup Addictive Like Cocaine – Glucose-Fructose Corn Sugar — Is the obesity epidemic due to the addictive qualities in food or that a lot more food is cheap and plentiful than ever before in history? A paper presented …

Depression: Ketamine Eyes Hath Seen The Glory?
So… Continue reading

Cocaine Side Effects?

Question by : Cocaine side effects?
I did cocaine 2 nights ago. It was a gram split between 3 of us. I’m normally ok from doing it, when i woke up yesterday i had big red spots on the sides of my nose. they didn’t hurt or anything,… Continue reading

Ways Sought to Halt Spike in Heroin Use

Ways sought to halt spike in heroin use
The News last week interviewed a dozen individuals from law enforcement, addiction treatment centers, the medical profession and relatives of drug addicts, and asked them those questions. The only consensus was that there is no … But, he added, there …
Read… Continue reading

Preventing and Overcoming Addiction by Calling a Cocaine Anonymous Hotline.

Preventing and Overcoming Addiction By Calling A Cocaine Anonymous Hotline. — Cocaine is one of the most potent and commonly abused drugs. As a Schedule II controlled substance, it also has high addictive potential. Thankfully, addicti…

EDITORIAL: Sobering moments
We originally learned of the arrest not from an official source… Continue reading

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Sally Bercow: What Prompts a Fall Off the Wagon?

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Sally Bercow: What prompts a fall off the wagon?
Sherlock Holmes offered another version of that excuse, to explain his occasional lapses into cocaine use: "My mind… rebels at stagnation. … Found in his flat, according to reports, were clonidine and buprenorphine, two drugs used to… Continue reading


Question by reallyjustme15: Cocaine….???
What does coke do to you? My boyfriend wont tell me the effects or all the bad things that will happen to you. Only answer if it is all facts. or from personal experience please.

Best answer:

Answer by Ocean A
Cocaine Effects
Cocaine effects are… Continue reading