President Obama Commutes Crack Cocaine Sentences
President Obama Commutes Crack Cocaine Sentences
“While street drugs like crack cocaine are clearly unsafe, for nonviolent offenders, treatment should always be considered an option,” said Pax Prentiss, CEO of Passages Addiction Treatment Centers. “Our treatment team has helped thousands of …
Psychiatrists embrace… Continue reading
Cocaine Addiction Treatment Cocaine Rehab 877-463-1658 Drug Rehab
Cocaine Addiction Treatment Cocaine Rehab 877-463-1658 Drug Rehab — Call 877-463-1658 for Cocaine Addiction Treatment & Cocaine Rehab, we are here for you or your loved, we offer Cocaine Addiction T…
Omani drug rehab worker learns the ins and outs of treating addicts
Taimur was among seven people from… Continue reading
Drug Addiction : How to Help Someone With a Meth Addiction
Drug Addiction : How to Help Someone with a Meth Addiction — To help someone with a meth addiction, the first thing you need to do is make them aware of your concerns for their wellbeing. Start helping someone with a m…
Discovery may pave way for cocaine addiction treatment… Continue reading
Drug Addiction Treatment Programs at 449 Recovery in Orange County
Drug Addiction treatment programs at 449 recovery in Orange County — The drug treatment program at the San Clemente based drug rehab center, 449 Recovery, offers a 7 Phase drug addiction program that works with the 12 step dru…
Hoffman found with 50 bags of heroin, addiction meds: sources
Law… Continue reading
Electroconvulsive Therapy for Crack/cocaine Addiction?
Question by Billy: Electroconvulsive Therapy for crack/cocaine addiction?
Does anyone have any experience with using electroconvulsive treatment (shock therapy) for addiction?
Does anyone have any experience or information about Electroconvulsive Therapy (shock treatment) being used for addiction?
I’m not looking for other treatment suggestions, please just answer my question.
Best… Continue reading
Why Are the Most Conducive Drug Treatment Centers in the United States Situated in Florida?
Question by lourdes r: Why are the most conducive drug treatment centers in the United States situated in Florida?
I’ve heard a lot about the drug treatment centers in Florida. Apparently, some are the best in the country. This just piqued my curiosity. Why in Florida, of all… Continue reading
Trey Radel Returns to Capitol Hill After Cocaine Bust, Treatment
Trey Radel returns to Capitol Hill after cocaine bust, treatment
Radel told reporters he hasn't talked to House Speaker John Boehner since he completed his treatment program for substance abuse in Florida, but he said he has a meeting scheduled with Boehner later this week. Although he declined to detail… Continue reading
How Long Is the Duration of Cocaine Addiction Treatments?
Question by Mary: How long is the duration of cocaine addiction treatments?
I’m doing an APA format psychology paper and I need to know the duration (time period) for the treatments. There are so many different types of treatments and I’m not sure how long they take. I’ve tried Google… Continue reading
Crack Cocaine Found During Traffic Stop – Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
Crack cocaine found during traffic stop – Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
Crack cocaine found during traffic stop Wilkes Barre Times-Leader KINGSTON — Thomas Ghanney of West Hazleton was arrested when Kingston police allegedly found bags of cocaine in his jacket pocket early Friday morning, according to charges filed. The discovery was… Continue reading |