Prometa and Cocaine Addiction: New Treatment
Prometa and cocaine addiction: New treatment — Prometa: an alternative outpatient program for cocaine addiction. Scientific evidence shows Prometa may be a breakthrough in addiction treatment. Cocaine add…
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Without Stats, Police Find It Hard to Address Heroin Epidemic
Without Stats, Police Find It Hard To Address Heroin Epidemic
According to data from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of drug overdoses in the U.S. has grown at a staggering pace — only motor vehicle accidents are a larger cause of accidental deaths in the country.… Continue reading
How Can I Stop Cocaine Use?
Question by sebatian w: how can i stop cocaine use?
I am 25 year old male in florida i spend about $ 1,000.00 evry two weeks i need help
Best answer:
Answer by ?~???~?®
First of all, you need to go to a… Continue reading
Heroin Epidemic Affects All of Monmouth County
Heroin Epidemic Affects All of Monmouth County
The hour long presentation was meant to “shock and awe” the audience by using intense graphics and powerful videos that told the true story of heroin's seductive, addictive, and destructive grip. “Since 1999 to 2010 there has been a 45 percent … Like… Continue reading
Warrant: Suspect Robbed, Beat Victim, Then Splurged on Drugs
Warrant: Suspect Robbed, Beat Victim, Then Splurged On Drugs
According to the warrant, Rodriguez complained to a friend on Saturday, May 12, 2012 that he had no money, but the next day he splurged on cocaine, heroin and a hotel room in New Britain. One woman told police that as… Continue reading
Marijuana Addiction: How to Recover?
Question by La_Serena: Marijuana Addiction: How to recover?
I have a friend who has been a steady marijuana smoker for 8 years. He wants to quit, but is scared of the withdrawal. Are treatment programs helpful in this regard?
Best answer:
Answer by supermitiko46
I was but I… Continue reading
Billie Jean Could Just Stay at Home to Find Places 'Where Things Aren't Good'
Billie Jean could just stay at home to find places 'where things aren't good'
… won't find those here in the U.S., unless, of course, you count the largest prison population in the world as a human rights abuse, where a young black man is serving a life sentence for… Continue reading
Grand Jury Issues 8 Open, 11 Secret Indictments
Grand jury issues 8 open, 11 secret indictments
Bryant M. Allen, 23, Independence Square, Wellsville, is charged with aggravated robbery for allegedly inflicting serious harm on Laddie Wallick, the owner of For Your Convenience on March 16, by beating him with a tire iron in an attempt to rob the… Continue reading
James Lewis of Agawam Pleads Guilty to 21 Charges From Multi-Jurisdictional …
James Lewis of Agawam pleads guilty to 21 charges from multi-jurisdictional …
… Lewis had been out of work and was suffering from depression. Lewis must serve two years probation after his jail term with the conditions he remain drug free with random screenings and get mental health and substance… Continue reading
Zac Efron Now Dating Neighbours Co-Star Halston Sage
Zac Efron Now Dating Neighbours Co-Star Halston Sage
The 26-year-old actor, who sought treatment in rehab for cocaine addiction twice last year, recently began dating his 'Bad Neighbours' co-star after meeting her on the set of the upcoming comedy. A source told E! News: "They are definitely an item …… Continue reading