Investigators Point to Shortfalls After Sierra Tucson Suicide
Investigators point to shortfalls after Sierra Tucson suicide
Despite multiple Sierra Tucson staffers being aware of the call, investigators said it was not properly documented in the patient's medical record, his risk level was not reassessed nor was his treatment plan updated "to reflect this significant change …
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Doug Camilli: Winslet Retreats After Titanic Estate Battle
Doug Camilli: Winslet retreats after titanic estate battle
Don't ask why he was in that part of town; don't mention his two trips to rehab last year for cocaine and booze trouble. The punch he took “was the h ardest I've ever been hit in my life,” Efron reportedly told… Continue reading
Cocaine Addiction Help?
by Renegade98
Question by 321: cocaine addiction help?
about 5 months ago a friend of mine was forced to stop using cocaine. at first i didnt he even like the drug that much. he always thought other recreational drugs had much better effects on him, but for some odd reason,… Continue reading
Are There Signs That Someone Used Cocaine Recently?
by Viewminder
Question by Ricky Ticky Tabby: Are there signs that someone used cocaine recently?
My friend is recovering from cocaine addiction but relapses ever so ofter. Is there anyway other than a drug test to tell if he’s recently snorted(or taken any other way). Anything such as pupil size,… Continue reading
The Case Against Prohibition
The Case Against Prohibition
It could mean expanded prevention programs that show the real hazards of drug abuse and look less like rock stars “burning out” and more like the sad reality of addiction we as law enforcement officials see every day. Think of … That we could …
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What Is the Name of the Medication That Doctors Give to Patients to Get Rid of Drug Addictions Immediately?
by elycefeliz
Question by chris m: What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of drug addictions immediately?
What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of drug addictions immediately? I think I read this somewhere,… Continue reading
The Drugging of the American Boy
The Drugging of the American Boy
If you have a son who has been diagnosed, it's more than likely that he has been prescribed a stimulant—the most famous brand names are Ritalin and Adderall; newer ones include Vyvanse and Concerta—to deal with the symptoms of that psychiatric …
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Top Tory MP Resigns as Ministerial Aide Following Claims He Paid Male Escort …
Top Tory MP resigns as Ministerial aide following claims he paid male escort …
Methedrone was banned in the UK in 2010 and is a Class B drug dubbed "poor man's cocaine". Street slang often confuses methedrone with mephedrone – another illegal amphetamine-based drug. A series of … Mr Menzies'… Continue reading
More Cabbies Testing Positive for Cocaine and Marijuana
More cabbies testing positive for cocaine and marijuana
Taxi drivers took to cocaine or marijuana at unusually high rates in 2013 — more than doubling the number of cabbies who got sacked for drug use a year earlier, records show. There were 51 hacks who lost their licenses after testing… Continue reading