Warning Signs
Warning Signs — Parents need to stay alert for signs that their child has begun experimenting with substances of abuse.
Child sex trafficking on rise in Clark County
Other occurrences, like a girl receiving expensive jewelry or other lavish gifts from an older man, also weren't thought of as warning… Continue reading
Embattled Hoops Star Lectures on Addiction
Embattled hoops star lectures on addiction
Herren had tried the painkiller at a party that summer and was instantly hooked, but when he later took a deal with a team in Italy, he began replacing Oxycontin with heroin. The little yellow Oxycontin pill that Herren said he so easily purchased… Continue reading
Does Cocaine Has Any Benefit ?
by marsmet553
Question by okulla2000: does cocaine has any benefit ?
Best answer:
Answer by Rebecca H
Sigmund Freud used it to make his patients loosen up and talk in their psychoanalytic therapy sessions with him. now it is proved that his patients were basically high so we don’t really… Continue reading
Is He Addicted to Cocaine?
by Beige Alert
Question by babyblueboo: Is he addicted to Cocaine?
My boyfriend has a bit of “sniff” ( cocaine ) most weekends, or he buys 1/2 a gram or 1 gram every few weeks. Does this make him an addict?? He says he isnt addicted but he wont give… Continue reading
What Is the Best Way to Kick a Cocaine Addiction?
by dbking
Question by Anna Rexia: What is the best way to kick a cocaine addiction?
question for users that fought it
Best answer:
Answer by tabulator32
Go kick your dealer in the crotch.
That should stop your illegal activity…and all other activity.
Answer by tortillahero
I’ve never used it,… Continue reading
Healthwatch: Cocaine Addiction
Healthwatch: Cocaine Addiction — Pamela Vanmeer reports on the addictive power of cocaine, and talks to a man who knows what it’s like to live with that addiction.
Number of people getting alcoholic care rises
And growing numbers who have already been through treatment programmes are returning because of compulsive… Continue reading
'The Biggest Epidemic'
'The biggest epidemic'
In 2012, nine people died from a drug overdose in the county. For comparison, county … have to talk about it.” While experts know how to handle alcohol and cocaine addictions, the heroin epidemic is something that has taxed the substance abuse system …
Read more on… Continue reading
On Running: Be Mindful of Sugar Consumption
On Running: Be mindful of sugar consumption
In recent years, I have tried very hard to break my sugar addiction. I always thought that because I … When sugar enters the bloodstream, it stimulates the same pleasure centers of the brain that respond to heroin and cocaine. Sugar was first… Continue reading
Is Cocaine Addiction a Disease?
Question by pumpkin: Is cocaine addiction a disease?
A mental health worker told me that my daughter had this disease and that she could not help herself.OK she knows that they have said this to her,My question is don`t you still have to make a choice,maybe I`m wrong,but in away… Continue reading
The Secret Lives of a Drug Dealing Mom, Soldier and Law Student
The Secret Lives Of A Drug Dealing Mom, Soldier And Law Student
The posts also reveal the sometimes conflicted feelings the dealers have about drug use and dealing. Although Americans' illegal drug preferences have changed over time, their spending has remained steady — to the tune of about $ 100… Continue reading