Your Drug Addiction Is Costing Poor People Their Lives
Your Drug Addiction Is Costing Poor People Their Lives
It's Martin Falls, an isolated reserve in Northern Ontario, where up to 80 per cent of the adults are addicted to oxycontin, and the community is currently struggling to fund its treatment programs that has successfully cut drug-related arrests from …… Continue reading
Shawn H. Cocaine Anonymous Speaker
Shawn H. Cocaine Anonymous Speaker — From Wikipedia: Cocaine Anonymous (CA) is a twelve-step program for people who seek recovery from drug addiction. CA is patterned very closely after Alcoholi…
Cohasset police crack down on heroin
Heroin distribution and abuse is the greatest drug threat in Cohasset and contributes to… Continue reading
Jane Lynch “I Got Sober With a Bunch of Straight Guys Who Had Been Cocaine Addicts” // SiriusXM
Jane Lynch “I got sober with a bunch of straight guys who had been cocaine addicts” // SiriusXM — Sign Up for a Free SiriusXM Trial: Raw Dog Comedy – The place for Comedy hits. Connect with SiriusXM Online Visit the SiriusXM Website…
Lamar Odom is ready for divorce… Continue reading
Deadly Addiction: Heroin Use, a Tragic Wrong Turn for Prescription Drug …
Deadly addiction: Heroin use, a tragic wrong turn for prescription drug …
The man was asking for his keys moments later. Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Commissioner Patricia Rehmer said this spring that on average one Connecticut resident a day dies of a drug overdose, which also… Continue reading
Watson: An Addict Asks for Less Stigma
Watson: An addict asks for less stigma
Last week's column described the drug-saturated life of an addict who started inhaling glue vapors regularly at the age of 13 and rapidly moved on to marijuana, cocaine, crack and heroin. … He had no choice but to join a treatment program and… Continue reading
Is Marijuana Addictive?
Question by sunshine92: Is marijuana addictive?
I just wanted to know because different people have said very different things and I really don’t know who to believe. I also want to know what’s in it that makes it addictive (if it is).
Best answer:
Answer by skillet.
nooo… Continue reading
What Are the Signs of Bipolar Disorder?
Question by Amy: What are the signs of Bipolar disorder?
My parents really think I have it, since I have rapid mood changes and bad behavior at times. Tell me some signs besides those two?
I also get extremely depressed one day and extremely joyous the next.
Best answer:
Answer… Continue reading
Sucrose and Fructose – More Addictive Than Cocaine
Sucrose and Fructose – more addictive than cocaine — Presented by Professor Ian Macdonald, the University of Nottingham, at the Food Addiction Symposium 7 October 2013.
Police to take old drugs
According to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, twice as many Americans—around 6.8 million—currently abuse prescription… Continue reading
Overcoming Addiction Depression Private Retreat
Overcoming Addiction Depression Private Retreat — One man speaks of his cocaine addiction and depression and his experience working with author teacher Ronda LaRue, in a private 3 1/2 day guided spiritual re…
The 1975: Bad boys rock on road
Some manage to overcome the hurdle and succeed, though many… Continue reading
Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Kim, Khloe Turn Bandit Queens
Keeping up with the Kardashians: Kim, Khloe turn bandit queens
Khloé has lost 30 pounds over the past six months after upping her workouts to five times a week when her marriage to Lamar began to crumble amid rumours he was addicted to cocaine and cheated on her with multiple… Continue reading