Cocaine Abuse

News Briefs From Around Tennessee at 1:58 A.m. EDT

News briefs from around Tennessee at 1:58 a.m. EDT
(AP) — Opponents of a Tennessee bill that would punish pregnant women who abuse narcotics say it will have the unintended consequence of hurting the very people it's supposed to protect: the babies. Health organizations and … The bill's supporters …… Continue reading

How Does Cocaine Effect the Brain Chemically and Behaviorally?

Question by : how does cocaine effect the brain chemically and behaviorally?
for a project on biological psychology

Best answer:

Answer by SuNriSe ^__^
If you do cocaine long enough, it causes anxiety and panic attacks.

Answer by Maddie101
When the dopamine levels return to normal, a diversity of psychological… Continue reading

Suffer From Cocaine Abuse Southern California Residents?

Suffer from cocaine abuse Southern California residents? — If cocaine abuse is taking over your life in Southern California, we can help. Cocaine abuse Southern California can go hand in hand with psychiatric disorde…

Police Blotter: Arrests; 00 stolen from a vehicle; Suspect allegedly tries
Police Blotter: Arrests; $… Continue reading

Record Number of Ohioans Die From Heroin Overdoses

Record number of Ohioans die from heroin overdoses
Martin has been charged with three counts of child endangering, possession of drug abuse instrument needle and possession of drug paraphernalia for the heroin capsules, burnt spoon and tourniquet. She is scheduled to appear in Middletown Municipal …
Read more on Hamilton… Continue reading

Azerbaijan Comments on Situation on Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking in

Azerbaijan comments on situation on drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking in
The document notes that according to 2013 statistics, 20 percent of drug addicts in Russia is pupils, 60 percent – young people under the age of 30 and 20 percent – old people. In 2013, Russian law-enforcement… Continue reading

United Arab Emirates Police Accused of Torturing Two Britons After Drugs Arrest

United Arab Emirates police accused of torturing two Britons after drugs arrest
A study by Reprieve last year, based on interviews with prisoners in Dubai Central Jail, found that more than three-quarters claimed they had suffered physical abuse after their arrest. In addition, 85% said they had been forced to… Continue reading

Six Health Problems Marijuana Could Treat Better Than Traditional Medicine

Six health problems marijuana could treat better than traditional medicine
Twenty states have so far legalized the medical use of marijuana, and researchers are starting to look at how, exactly, patients can put those laws to the best use. There's a burgeoning field of … Sisley wants to study marijuana… Continue reading

What Are the Effects of Cocaine Abuse on the Human Body?

Question by 2 be square: What are the effects of cocaine abuse on the human body?

Best answer:

Answer by Ava
Do you mean immediately or long term? Immediately you get a high quite similar to a shot of tequilla, it can make you more talkative and confident,… Continue reading

News Briefs From Around Tennessee at 1:58 Am EDT

News briefs from around Tennessee at 1:58 am EDT
(AP) — Opponents of a Tennessee bill that would punish pregnant women who abuse narcotics say it will have the unintended consequence of hurting the very people it's supposed to protect: the babies. Health organizations and … The bill's supporters …… Continue reading

Jayson Blair, Judy Miller and the Shrinking New York Times

Jayson Blair, Judy Miller and the shrinking New York Times
There were plenty of signs of trouble, too: Blair had been in rehab for cocaine and alcohol abuse, and well before the plagiarism scandal broke, his work was often seen as dubious and full of mistakes. The number of corrections… Continue reading