Do You Truly Believe Eating Can Be an Addiction?
Question by –: Do you truly believe eating can be an addiction?
Now days it seems as if anything can be categorically labeled as an “addiction”, from the conventional drugs, cigarettes, caffeine to now sex, gambling—even chocolate! Scientist have concluded that a similar chemical reaction to occur… Continue reading
Crack Abuse: 5 Golden Rules to Ending Crack Abuse
Can you get through to a crack user and help them free themselves from their own trap?
Why don’t crack abusers simply listen to common sense and stop lying all the time? Do they know what their doing? Crack abuse is an elaborate and complex trap, here is how you… Continue reading
Cocaine Abuse for Psychology
Cocaine Abuse for Psychology – For MR. Stamper
Pennsylvania law, Drug Enforcement Administration ban put a squeeze on bath …
Filed under: cocaine abuse
Some are advertised as “DEA complaint” or “50 states legal,” according to Robert Count, a program specialist with the Lebanon County Commission on Drug… Continue reading