Florida Representative Trey Radel Caught Buying Cocaine; Blames Alcohol Addiction
Florida Representative Trey Radel caught buying cocaine; blames alcohol addiction — Republican Representative Trey Radel of Florida has been charged with cocaine possession after getting caught buying the substance during a federal sting ope…
Study: Addiction Increases Risk Of Suicide
An unquenchable thirst for alcohol and addiction to cocaine brought… Continue reading
Are Drug Abusers Being Taken Care of Even After They Finish the Treatment Program?
Question by Tommy: Are drug abusers being taken care of even after they finish the treatment program?
I’m just curious about how things are after life in rehab. See, my friend Jack is about to finish his ten-week treatment program for his addiction with cocaine. I’m really happy… Continue reading
Rep. Radel Apologizes to GOP Colleagues for Cocaine Use
Rep. Radel apologizes to GOP colleagues for cocaine use
WASHINGTON — Rep. Trey Radel of Florida began making amends with fellow House Republicans Wednesday, offering what one GOP lawmaker called a "heartfelt" apology for his past drug use. The freshman, who was caught buying cocaine in October in …
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Zac Efron – Rehab for Big Cocaine Problem
Zac Efron – Rehab for Big Cocaine Problem — Read the full story here: http://www.tmz.com/2013/09/17/zac-efron-rehab-cocaine-coke-seth-rogen-molly/ Zac Efron did NOT go to rehab for alcohol abuse — it …
Fla. congressman to resign after cocaine scandal
MIAMI (AP) – After going through rehab for cocaine and alcohol abuse and pledging that… Continue reading
Welsh Government Funds Drug Testing Service for Public
Welsh government funds drug testing service for public
Critics say it is a waste of money and could be open to abuse from drug dealers. Continue reading the … Welsh Health Minister Mark Drakeford, who signs off the £100,000 a year funding, says the service is vital to protect people.… Continue reading
WATCH : Zac Efron ‘Checked Into Rehab Twice’ for Alleged Cocaine Addiction
WATCH : Zac Efron ‘Checked Into Rehab Twice’ For Alleged Cocaine Addiction — Earlier this week, reports emerged that the former High School Musical star had completed a stint in a facility due to alcohol issues. However, it was then c…
Fla. congressman to resign after cocaine scandal
MIAMI (AP)… Continue reading
Cocaine Abuse and Bipolar Disorder?
Question by J: Cocaine Abuse and Bipolar Disorder?
Just curious as to how cocaine and alcohol abuse affect someone suffering from bipolar disorder. How does it affect their mood? What kinds of behavior do they exhibit? How does it affect their relationships with other people?
Best answer:
Answer by Chris… Continue reading
Are There Any Addiction Treatment Programs Offered in Owyhee?
Question by Tommy: Are there any addiction treatment programs offered in Owyhee?
I’m from Owyhee, Nevada and I’m wondering if there are any addiction treatment programs around the area. I need to suggest a program to help my friend Zach get over his addiction with cocaine. Thank you for the… Continue reading
Former Disney Star Admits Cocaine Abuse
Former Disney star admits cocaine abuse — HLN’s Jane Velez-Mitchell highlights singer Demi Lovato’s surprising confession of drug and alcohol abuse.
Obama speech to challenge Congress on minimum wage
Radel, whose district includes the Florida Gulf Coast communities of Fort Myers and Naples, was caught buying cocaine in November from… Continue reading
Nigel Thornberry – I’ll Do This, With My Hands.
Nigel Thornberry – I’ll do this, With my hands. – Blarrghhghh. Rate, Comment and Subscribe :)
Green light for breast cancer drug that protects for 20 years: High risk women …
Filed under: effects of long term cocaine use
Prof Evans said women whose risk of breast cancer… Continue reading