Alcoholism Is a Disease and It’s Not Alcohol Abuse
Alcoholism is a Disease and It’s Not Alcohol Abuse — Information on the brain disease of alcoholism and why alcohol abuse is not alcoholism.
FDA approves user-friendly device to reverse opioid drug overdoses
It comes a week after Governor Deval Patrick declared a public health emergency to combat the growing… Continue reading
A Friend Snorted Cocaine Last Night and Now One Eye Is Smaller Than the Other, It Looks Pushed Back. Why?
Question by Lee D: A friend snorted cocaine last night and now one eye is smaller than the other, it looks pushed back. Why?
Best answer:
Answer by Give Me a HUG!
you probably snorted it too and haven’t recovered yet. Or if he’s saying that then he’s the one… Continue reading
Jayson Blair, Judy Miller and the Shrinking New York Times
Jayson Blair, Judy Miller and the shrinking New York Times
There were plenty of signs of trouble, too: Blair had been in rehab for cocaine and alcohol abuse, and well before the plagiarism scandal broke, his work was often seen as dubious and full of mistakes. The number of corrections… Continue reading
James Lewis of Agawam Pleads Guilty to 21 Charges From Multi-Jurisdictional …
James Lewis of Agawam pleads guilty to 21 charges from multi-jurisdictional …
… Lewis had been out of work and was suffering from depression. Lewis must serve two years probation after his jail term with the conditions he remain drug free with random screenings and get mental health and substance… Continue reading
What I Know About Men
What I know about men
JavaScript disabled. Please enable JavaScript to use My News, My Clippings, My Comments and user settings. My News · My … One day, as part of his celebration for kicking a goal, he ran along the pitch and pretended to snort a line of cocaine.… Continue reading
Patrick Brazeau Released, With Promise to Check Into Rehab (With Video)
Patrick Brazeau released, with promise to check into rehab (with video)
OTTAWA — Disgraced former senator Patrick Brazeau was released on $ 5,000 bail Friday afternoon, under the condition that he seek treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. A Quebec court judge gave him three days to check into the… Continue reading
Lightning's Ryan Malone Arrested on DUI, Cocaine Charges
Lightning's Ryan Malone arrested on DUI, cocaine charges
Under the terms of the NHL/NHL Players Association Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health program, Malone is subject to mandatory evaluation and possible treatment, according to Bill Daly, NHL deputy commissioner. "His future playing status, both in the …
Read more on Bay News… Continue reading
Lamar Odom Enters Rehab for Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Lamar Odom Enters Rehab For Drug & Alcohol Abuse — After weeks of reports about Lamar Odom’s alleged drug and alcohol abuse, the troubled NBA star has finally entered a rehab facility. Like us on Facebook!: h…
Glens Falls man sentenced to 6 years for heroin, cocaine sales
Wendell was… Continue reading
What Kind of Accident Caused My Telepathy?
Question by AxisofOddity: What kind of accident caused my telepathy?
Was it caused only by God and natural circumstances?
Or was it no accident at all?
Explanations, please.
Best answer:
Answer by TechWriterDude
Explanation: You are a retard.
Answer by richard t
i dont need to actually type my answer… Continue reading
What Is the Name of the Medication That Doctors Give to Patients to Get Rid of Drug Addictions Immediately?
Question by chris m: What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of drug addictions immediately?
What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of drug addictions immediately? I think I read this somewhere,… Continue reading