Why Is Crack Cocaine So Addicting?
Question by Emily: Why is crack cocaine so addicting?
Why is crack cocaine so addicting?
Best answer:
Answer by Rob G
It has to do with dopamine.
According to this article I am quoting, it works like this.
Cocaine is a highly addictive substance. People who take it… Continue reading
What Does Cocaine Do to You??
Question by glass_butterfly321: What does Cocaine do to you??
i think my friend is on cocaine but i don’t know for sure what are some signs i should look for?
Best answer:
Answer by onefivejesus
solves all your problems?
Answer by sparkle-glamour-glitter
IS AN ADDICTIVE DRUG,… Continue reading
Preventing and Overcoming Addiction by Calling a Cocaine Anonymous Hotline.
Preventing and Overcoming Addiction By Calling A Cocaine Anonymous Hotline. — Cocaine is one of the most potent and commonly abused drugs. As a Schedule II controlled substance, it also has high addictive potential. Thankfully, addicti…
EDITORIAL: Sobering moments
We originally learned of the arrest not from an official source… Continue reading
As Valentine's Day Approaches, a Look at Love
As Valentine's Day approaches, a look at love
Addictive drugs like cocaine have been found to mimic these dopamine levels. When dopamine levels … Known as “stress cardiomyopathy,” this condition often presents with the symptoms of a heart attack after a major stressor. … While a typical heart …
Read… Continue reading
Question by reallyjustme15: Cocaine….???
What does coke do to you? My boyfriend wont tell me the effects or all the bad things that will happen to you. Only answer if it is all facts. or from personal experience please.
Best answer:
Answer by Ocean A
Cocaine Effects
Cocaine effects are… Continue reading
The Deal on Cocaine?
Question by kitty: the deal on Cocaine?
what are some of the causes and effects on the use of cocaine?
Best answer:
Answer by Noone i
First and foremost, cocaine is ungodly addictive. Make NO mistake, it is, regardless of what ANYONE tells you.
Secondly, cocaine depletes the… Continue reading
Cocaine’s Efffect????
Question by Alessandra: cocaine’s efffect????
does cocaine make u lose weight and wats the risks of it and wats the benefits of using it
Best answer:
Answer by kingajs2010
well if your smart there is no benefits of it unless you wanna be stupid
Answer by heather j… Continue reading
Anaheim Drug Detox for Alcohol & Drug Addiction Announced
Anaheim Drug Detox for Alcohol & Drug Addiction Announced
Men, women and teens might find themselves caught in a web of addiction. For instance, drugs like cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana could be a problem. Anaheim Drug Detox can lead a person into a promised land of healing, hope and recovery.… Continue reading
What Can You Tell Me About Cocaine Addiction?
Question by Alice in Wonderland: what can you tell me about cocaine addiction?
I guess I grew up fairly sheltered because I know close to nothing about drug addiction. I know that drugs are bad and that they almost always destroy your life in one way or another… Continue reading
How Does the Drug Cocaine Make You Feel?
Question by Indigo: How does the drug cocaine make you feel?
I am a writer and have started a new story. My main character has gotten herself hooked on cocaine and blah blah blah. Instead of reading what the long term effects are for cocaine (which is all I can… Continue reading