The Holistic Sanctuary Aims to Astound the International Medical Community …
The Holistic Sanctuary Aims to Astound the International Medical Community …
They have been able to achieve a remarkable track record of success with even the most potent of addictive drugs, such as: Heroin, Alcohol, Opiates, Suboxone, Oxycontin, Methadone, Cocaine, Speed and others. What is most remarkable … The goal… Continue reading
Heroin Has 'Taken Over' in Delaware County
Heroin has 'taken over' in Delaware County
MUNCIE — In the early 1990s, crack cocaine was introduced to the Muncie community, and it didn't take long until the highly-addictive drug was causing major problems. Fast forward … “The shorter the half-life of any drug, the more addiction …
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Why Do Some People Get Addicted to Cocaine, While Others Don’t?
Question by : Why do some people get addicted to cocaine, while others don’t?
In school, we’re learning about drugs in my health class. They said that cocaine can be a very addictive drug, yet sometimes, certain people don’t get addicted, no matter how much they use. Why… Continue reading
I Really Want to Know the True Effects of E, Ecstasy, Thizz, Peezys, Etc?
Question by Scott P: I really want to know the true effects of e, ecstasy, thizz, peezys, etc?
seriously i have heard so many different rumors about how it affects your body, brain, etc and i want to know the real truth not some stupid rumor so can… Continue reading
What Causes Addiction?
Question by melon_rose: What causes addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by Dave Yours Truly
Drug use or abuse crosses the line into drug addiction when you feel you have to have the drug, and you increase the amount of the drug you take. Various… Continue reading
Cocaine Addictiveness?
Question by chrissy: cocaine addictiveness?
how addictive is cocaine if you have only used it one time? and no i am not the one doing it, trust me, im just worried about someone close to me who just did it for the first time. how big of a chance that… Continue reading
Time Verus Chronic Cocaine Addict?
Question by davignon_x: time verus chronic cocaine addict?
How long could a chronic cocaine addict survive? What are some factors that can affect this, how does this differ between a man and a woman?
Thanks, also .. if someone can survive snorting 6 grams of cocaine a day:… Continue reading
Norwegian Film Partly Spoofs "Nordic Noir" at Berlin Fest
Norwegian film partly spoofs "Nordic Noir" at Berlin fest
The bloodletting begins in a snowbound part of Norway when the son of snowplow driver Nils, played by Scandinavian film veteran Stellan Skarsgard, is mistakenly killed by a drug gang who think the young man has stolen their cocaine. Because the… Continue reading
What Effects Does Long Term Cocaine Use Have on Itp?
Question by staci j: what effects does long term cocaine use have on itp?
first my brother was diagnosed with raynards disease (form of lupus) and i know he’s been using cocaine for some time and know he just suffered a severe nose bleed and wads admitted to… Continue reading