Can You Get Multiple Sclerosis From Chronic Substance (Crack) Abuse?
Question by Gerald B: Can you get multiple sclerosis from chronic substance (crack) abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by Mary Kontrarry
I don’t think so. But you CAN get dead from substance abuse.
Answer by zeldaslexicon
Chronic substance abuse can cause lots of problems, but it’s not known for… Continue reading
Son of Renowned Sculptor De Weldon Seeks to Have Child Molestation Conviction …
Son of renowned sculptor de Weldon seeks to have child molestation conviction …
De Weldon had been facing 11 counts of child molestation when he admitted to one count each of third-degree child molestation and cocaine possession. He received a … He remains held at the Bridgewater Treatment Center. “He… Continue reading
Elijah’s House Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment Center
Elijah’s House Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment Center — Elijah’s House Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment Center is located in Pasadena, CA near the communities of Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, West Los Angele…
Keith Rossiter: Drugs policy needs a shot in the arm
A third to a half of… Continue reading
Sleeping Pill Overdoses?
Question by iidiIlllsIadhhIccciiijhilllIIIIIIIII((: Sleeping Pill Overdoses?
When one commits suicide using sleeping pills, what actually happens when they take the pills? I’ve heard how it’s “painful”. But how is this painful when you’re ‘sleeping’?
I’m not at all suicide, I can guarantee, I was just confused as to… Continue reading
Labor Group Claims Port Trucking Companies Treat Drivers Unfairly
Labor group claims port trucking companies treat drivers unfairly
Also participating in the research are the union-backed Change to Win Strategic Organizing Center and the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy. The report is part of … Traffic stop leads to 80 pounds of cocaine in Long Beach, police… Continue reading
Addiction Alcohol and Treatment Center | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities
Addiction Alcohol and Treatment Center | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities — Addiction Alcohol and Treatment Center addresses use of alcohol, cocaine, prescription drugs, heroin, & more with r…
Avon fight at Tarnes building ends in stabbing, girlfriend flees with drugs
AVON — Witnesses held down a stabbing suspect at… Continue reading
Deaths From Heroin in New London, Norwich Doubled in 2013
Deaths from heroin in New London, Norwich doubled in 2013
The number of people who died from heroin overdoses in New London and Norwich doubled last year, a jolting statistic that local hospital and substance abuse treatment officials attribute to what appears to be a rise in heroin use. At… Continue reading
Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center in PSL FL 855-337-8500
Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center in PSL FL 855-337-8500 — Call 772-337-8500 New Life Addiction Treatment Center: Drug Rehab Center Port St. Lucie Florida. substance drug abuse detox from alcohol and other chemical d…
White poison: The danger of sugar — and how to beat it
When we treat alcoholics or… Continue reading
Ways Sought to Halt Spike in Heroin Use
Ways sought to halt spike in heroin use
The News last week interviewed a dozen individuals from law enforcement, addiction treatment centers, the medical profession and relatives of drug addicts, and asked them those questions. The only consensus was that there is no … But, he added, there …
Read… Continue reading
President Obama Commutes Crack Cocaine Sentences
President Obama Commutes Crack Cocaine Sentences
“While street drugs like crack cocaine are clearly unsafe, for nonviolent offenders, treatment should always be considered an option,” said Pax Prentiss, CEO of Passages Addiction Treatment Centers. “Our treatment team has helped thousands of …
Psychiatrists embrace… Continue reading