Signs That Someone Is Using Cocaine?
Question by M: Signs that someone is using cocaine?
What signs indicate that someone (who doesn’t want me to know) has a cocaine habit?
How do these signs differ from cannabis?
Also, I’ve heard cocaine isn’t very addictive.. Is it believable that somebody could really stop using cocaine for good?
Hey guys,
just so you know, I don’t think cannabis and cocaine are remotely the same. Just want to make sure I know the signs of both so I can distinguish between the different highs. I’ve never used drugs myself.
Thank you for the informative answers.
Does anyone know the effects a doing cocaine in the past can have on your future? Do any of the signs carry on, even if you’ve stopped?
Best answer:
Answer by Amanda
Cocaine is extremely addictive and if someone is using they should be stopped. Signs might be sniffling of the nose, nose bleeds, dilated pupils, elated behavior, excessive talking, cocaine paraphernalia such as bags with white powder or residue, cut up straws or papers to snort it with, ect. If someone is high it is almost always obvious. Marijuana does not cause the same effects as cocaine. Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant while marijuana is a depressant.
Answer by Austin
Because cocaine is a nervous system stimulant, it has many significant physical effects on the body. It can cause constricted blood vessels, a rise in temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure.
Does the individual leave the room and then return in a different mood, appearing more confident or upbeat? Do you notice the following:
Increased activity
Hyper behavior
Decreased desire to eat or sleep
Impulsive decisions, or high risk sexual choices
After-effects of cocaine use may be lethargy, intense sleepiness and often depression.
Large amounts of cocaine may intensify the user’s high but can also lead to changes of behavior. Some cocaine users report feelings of restlessness, irritability, anxiety, panic, and paranoia.
Long-term drug users risk becoming increasingly dependant on cocaine. Seeking the next high becomes a priority and other obligations in life may suffer.
Repeat users may develop tolerance to the drug and require increasing dosages to get the desired effect. They may be using as frequently as every ten minutes and indulge in week long binges.
Over time, crack/cocaine abusers may become secretive, unreliable and dishonest. They may exhibit dramatic mood swings, depression, or psychotic behavior, due to the neurological effects of the drug.
They may neglect family or work responsibilities, and even personal hygiene. There may be a new group of friends and social contacts.
An individual may resort to stealing or selling personal possessions to fund a drug habit.
Cocaine can be snorted in powder form, smoked as crack cocaine or directly injected. There are various items involved in its administration that you may find.
White powder on mirrors, or CD cases. Rolled up dollar bills, pipes, crack spoons, small plastic bags.
Lemon juice or vinegar can be mixed with cocaine to produce a more intense rush.
Sometimes heroin is taken at the same time as cocaine known as ‘speedballing’
As far as how it is different from cannabis… not even remotely close, so a better question would be, how is it the same? Cannabis can make you lazy, and thats about it as far as looking like youve been using cannabis
Black Mozart Tour Audition 2013 Coke Cans – Someone You Love- — Someone in love.
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