Recovering Cocaine Addiction?
Question by Christopher: Recovering cocaine addiction?
Im a recovering cocaine addict I have been 2 months. My current girlfriend knows about my addiction and has been totally understanding of my recovery. The cravings are still there so how can i get rid of them?
Best answer:
Answer by jim
hey never go away but in tikma you will realize its a big waste of time and ull move on
Answer by John
Their is no completely getting rid of a addiction. The temptations and craving will always be with you. You just need to have the willpower to stay clean. Its not easy, but you have been clean for 2 months so your doing good so far.
Our view: Addiction puts infants at risk
That was true 20 years ago, when addicted infants were being born to mothers using crack cocaine and injectable heroin. Now, doctors say the … That must be cheaper long-term than treating their drug-addicted newborns who are going through withdrawal.
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Phillip Seymour Hoffman: Casualty of the War on Drugs
Creating a stigma around substance abuse, society has made it easier to die in a bathroom alone than to seek help and treatment. The Journal of the … Blacks were the target of anti-cocaine laws in the South in the early 1900s. Laws making marijuana …
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