Question About Cocaine ?
Question by Tk: Question about cocaine ?
What substances is cocaine typically laced with?
Best answer:
Answer by thenumber1critiqu3
marijuana, cocoa base, amphetamine, tactile hallucegens, hydrochloride, PCP, meth, benzocaine and mannitol , depressants.
Answer by norton g
Pure cocaine may be cut (diluted) with a milk-powder type substance “lactose”. The number of impurities actually found in batches of cocaine are truly unbelievable, such as:
Benzoic acid Hydrolysis of cocaine
Benzoylecgonine Hydrolysis of cocaine, also found in coca
leaf but thought not to be extracted in the process
Trans-cinnamic acid Hydrolysis of cis- and trans-cinnamoylcocaine
Cis-cinnamoylecgonine (often at trace level) Hydrolysis of cis-cinnamoylcocaine
Trans-cinnamoylecgonine (often at trace level) Hydrolysis of trans-cinnamoylcocaine
Cis-cinnamoylcocaine Coca leaf
Trans-cinnamoylcocaine Coca leaf
Ecgonine Hydrolysis of cocaine, also found in coca
leaf, but thought not to be extracted in the
clandestine process
Ecgonine methyl ester Found in coca leaf and occurs due to cocaine hydrolysis; most probably is not extracted in
the clandestine process
N-formyl-cocaine O2,a not present in coca leaf
Norcocaine O2, not known to be present in coca leaf
Pseudoecgonine methyl ester GC artefact: direct injection in MeOH of cocaine base (crack) containing traces of
Truxillic acid(s) Hydrolysis of truxillines
Truxillines Coca leaf, the total content of all isomers
can be more than 10% of an unadulterated
cocaine sample.
Truxinic acid(s) Hydrolysis of truxillines
AND the long list goes on and on.
Bottom line = you can never be sure what all you’re putting in your body when you use cocaine. No lecture needed for the wise individuals who want to stay alive and healthy.
Snorting cocaine increases the risk of a stroke by 700% in the 24 hours after use
… Yu-Ching Cheng, said: 'Cocaine is not only addictive, it can also lead to disability or death from stroke. 'With few exceptions, we believe every young stroke patient should be screened for drug abuse at the time of hospital admission. … Dr Cheng …
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Lawmakers Push Obama to Soften Marijuana Rules
… are disproportionately affected by drug enforcement. “We should not be locking up kids or individual users for long stretches of jail time when some of the folks who are writing those laws have probably done the same thing,” Obama said. … can …
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