Psychosis and Drug Abuse.?
Question by Blubber: Psychosis and drug abuse.?
I have an ex-friend who is known to be a heavy abuser of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine?, and club drugs. Recently he has begun to have psychotic episodes. Which drugs would induce these episodes?
This individual is 37 years old. There were no mental health issues prior to about six months ago.
Best answer:
Answer by Mimas
I’d guess cocaine. Unless the “club drugs” include hallucinogens like LSD — then I’d pick those.
Answer by Jennifer
All of them. These psychotic episodes may be due to an underlying psychiatric disorder that has surfaced because of his environment. Substance abuse is very common for people who have mental illness. BUT- it is possible that he is taking hallucinogens such as LSD. This would cause psychotic episodes in any person.
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