Mugshots Show the Horrifying Effects of Cocaine, Heroin, and Meth
Mugshots Show The Horrifying Effects Of Cocaine, Heroin, And Meth
All of these drugs can lead to weight loss, according to the website, and each one is associated with additional side effects. Cocaine can lead to an inflamed nose if the drug is snorted; meth causes tooth decay, face sores, and speeds up the …
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Dopamine, Twitter, and the bilingual brain
Many of the symptoms associated with cocaine addiction are popping up in people who are simply on the Internet. The toxic effects of cocaine addiction have been known for years. Studies find that rats will self-administer cocaine to the point of death …
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Family embraces fight to legalize marijuana
Lieux said a marijuana conviction can prevent people from getting federal student aid and can impact job prospects, especially when it comes up in background checks listed as “drug abuse” or “drug possession” charges. “If a prospective employer is …
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