Marijuana vs. Alcohol/cocaine/tobacco?
Question by : marijuana vs. alcohol/cocaine/tobacco?
so keep in mind, this question is purely out of curiosity, im in the varsity cross country team and run 6 days a week so i couldn’t use any of these even if i wanted to….
so there is a huge debate on whether pot is really harmless or not. is it? i heard from an older student that its not as bad as everyone says it is (yes i know very trustworthy source..).
ive also heard numerous times that getting addicted to marjuana is like getting addicted to chocolate(is that why its called a gateway drug?)…
what are its affects(short term, like affects from smoking) vs. alcohol and other more hardcore drugs like crystal meth?
what are its long terms affects vs. alcohol and other drugs? (like affects/outcomes of (“addictions”)
like i know kids that smoke pot and they are completely normal, and i know kids that drink and they are a little off. then again, if i look at the kids who smoke pot in 20 years, most would probably be pretty messed up, and for kids who drink, im nto really sure.
can someone help clear things up for me? please no bias answers
Best answer:
Answer by Alex
Marijuana is not harmful,they say that 6 out of 100 students do it. So how would they know? They don’t, and you don’t get addicted to the marijuana or whatever your smoking you get addicted to the feeling. The only affects there are with marijuana, is short term. There fore, they only happen while your “high” or “stoned”, the affects are Dizziness, a lot of laughing for no reason, being light headed and becomes very hungry. The only thing that really has long term affects and can really mess you up is Crystal Meth. Getting addicted to alcohol, being an alcoholic can mess up your life if you let it. That’s about it.
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