Is My Father a Cocaine Addict?
Question by Porsche: Is my father a cocaine addict?
I became Suspicous, then my mother told me he’s experienced with it before in his life. My mom and dad split about 8 years ago,,. And he, my brother, and I were so close before the divorce, but after.. He changed. He always fought (not anymore). He RARELY sees me and my brother. Whenever we see him, hes lost a dramatic amount of weight. Or someone would keep calling and he’ll leave to answer. And he lies for unnecessary Reasons. My aunt told me he’s experienced but stopped. .. Are these symptoms?
Best answer:
Answer by thecharleslloyd
It does sound like he has slipped back into it, addicts when they are under stress go back to old habits if they can not cope or get help, this sounds like it has happened to your dad. Sorry to hear about this, be strong.
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