I Suspect My Friend Is Using Cocaine?
Question by mike k: I suspect my friend is using cocaine?
I know she has had a history of cocaine abuse but told me she has stopped. I havent seen her in afew months until yesterday and dropped maybe 20 pounds and looks almost anorexic and has shaky hands are weight loss and shakiness a sign of cocaine abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by key m
Possibly, but have you asked her is she was using again? I would start by asking her first, and trying to help her to stop if she is.
Answer by rustybones
Those are classic symptoms of abuse. Sounds like she’s started using again.
Appleton police to ask stores to eradicate drug paraphernalia
… into drug use. He said some stores brazenly sell “kits” with glass pens on shelves next to steel wool, which can be used to smoke crack cocaine or methamphetamine. … Elliott said shops can sell glass pipes, bongs, grinders and “one hitters …
Read more on Green Bay Press Gazette
A sister's loss
She remembers family members who used drugs and lost her father at the age of 17 “because he was a drug addict and couldn't get over his addiction.” Even Sadie … Mansfield and her friends often chose to do cocaine and smoke marijuana. It then shifted …
Read more on Hometownlife.com
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