I Really Want to Know the True Effects of E, Ecstasy, Thizz, Peezys, Etc?
Question by Scott P: I really want to know the true effects of e, ecstasy, thizz, peezys, etc?
seriously i have heard so many different rumors about how it affects your body, brain, etc and i want to know the real truth not some stupid rumor so can someone help me out?
Best answer:
Answer by Emily S
Extacy, one of several club drugs appearing on the “rave” or all-night party scene, is increasingly becoming the drug of choice among teens.
Not only is the extacy drug inexpensive, but teens do not associate a great deal of risk with this drug. However, this colorless, tasteless, and odorless drug that produces increased stamina and intoxicating highs is a silent but deadly menace. It can lead to long-lasting psychological and physical problems and it can even be lethal when used in excessive amounts.
Clinically referred to as 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), extacy is known by several street names including “Adam,” “X,” and “XTC.” Use of extacy has now spread to a wide range of settings and is no longer restricted to the club scene. In fact, more than 10 million people have tried MDMA at least once, according to the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
Ecstasy’s popularity is clearly linked to its reputation as a harmless party drug that lowers inhibitions, enhances sensations, and produces a relaxed, euphoric state. However, studies have shown that this sense of well-being comes at a great price. Ecstasy’s effects on the brain can include depression, anxiety, paranoia, and severe neurological problems when used over a long period of time. Physical effects can include muscle tension, nausea, blurred vision, kidney failure, and heart attack. Women are particularly threatened because of the high levels of female hormone estrogen, which prevents their bodies from coping with the water retention that occurs as extacy is absorbed into the system. Because extacy is mostly created in illegal labs, it is often mixed with other more harmful drugs, which can and do lead to serious health problems.
While it is very hard to know if a friend or a child is using a club drug, there are some warning signs to look for:
• Memory problems
• Loss of coordination, dizziness, fainting
• Depression
• Confusion
• Sleep problems
• Chills or sweating
• Slurred speech.
Data show that extacy can be an addictive drug for some users. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 43 percent of young adults and adolescents who reported extacy use met the accepted diagnostic criteria for dependence. Almost 60 percent of people who use extacy report withdrawal symptoms, including fatigue, loss of appetite, depressed feelings, and trouble concentrating.
Effects of Extacy Abuse
Many problems users encounter with MDMA are similar to those found with the use of amphetamines and cocaine.
Psychological difficulties, including confusion, depression, sleep problems,
drug craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia during and sometimes weeks
after taking MDMA (in some cases, psychotic episodes have been reported).
If you have increased your monitoring of your child and you suspect that he or she may be using drugs or alcohol, it’s time to have a conversation about substance abuse. In a caring, gentle way, let your child know that in your family you have a policy of no drug use. And know that you should have this conversation not just once in your child’s life, but often. If you continue to spot the signs and symptoms of drug use, you may want to take test if your child to the doctor and ask him/her to screen for the use of illicit substances. This may involve a blood or urine drug test. It is also possible to screen your children in the privacy of your home with urine, saliva and hair home testing kits.
Answer by JAMES A N
Ecstasy (MDMA) blocks the reuptake of serotonin by reversing the actions of serotonin transporter. This causes serotonin to pour into the synapse (this is responsible for the pleasure feeling) and the MDMA blocks ion channels from reabsorbing the serotonin for future use. The death risk is generally low (2 per 100,000), but can cause dehydration and ataxia (high heart rate). As for permanent effects on the brain, not much is really known, except that MDMA can be neurotoxic (rare) and can deplete 5% of your serotonin function. However, this is reversible. Generally, the debate whether Ecstasy is damaging or not is still going on. It is definite that Ecstasy does cause longtern effects, but whether they are damaging or not is still to be decided.
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