How to Deal With Finding Out Your Husband Is Addicted to Cocaine? ?
Question by Lisa: How to deal with finding out your husband is addicted to cocaine? ?
feel as though my heart is being smashed into little pieces… i feel as if i need to vomit all the time… My husband who is the love of my life,my family,my best friend and lover… we have a wonderful marriage apart from the problem he has had hidden for two years… he is addicted to cocaine (he injects mostly)… i found some hidden needles and a gram of cocaine by accident two months ago.(one of the sadess days of my life).. my heart was broken that day… he is going though the motions to enter rehab,it will take another three weeks before he enters..he is still using every day and lies to me every day… every time i find a stash i throw it away but he just go’s and buys more..(he says he is going to work but go’s and buys cocaine and works high or sometimes he dosen’t go to work at all). it’s a hard time for me with other problems that i have where i really need my husband (i’m having an op in two days and i’m a reck),not only is he not there for me..i have to be strong for him but i’m dying inside… i feel betrayed….
p.s i know there isn’t really an answer to my problem apart from wait until he go’s though rehab…. but what if after he comes out he uses again but next time there mite be children involved as we were planing on starting a family before i discovered his problem… i don’t know how to clear my mind just for a second without thinking about him using… the washing machine i have in my stomach and the constet stress, headache have been non stop since that horrible day (two months ago) any advice?
he really dose want help and he admits he has a problem and i’m sure he is at rock bottom apart from me not leaving him…i rtied the “it’s me or the cocaine “the first week that i found out but it didn’t work as the craving it stronger i guess than his love for me.
Best answer:
Answer by Joey
if you can’t beat em, join em
Answer by Sad Boy
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