How Can You Know for Sure if Someone Is Doing Cocaine When?
Question by livelife: How can you know for sure if someone is doing cocaine when?
all the evidence I actually saw was two short thick straws and they were proped up in an ashtray. My daughter is dating a new guy and he is very private. I saw this at her apartment when she was gone.Now she is very moody and snaps at you, cries a lot and never comes around like she did.She is also loosing weight. Never has money and had to move to a one room apt. to pay her rent recently.She lies a lot and is always clinging to this new b.friend.How do I approach her and does someone addicted to crack need a treatment center to get off of it?
Best answer:
Answer by Kelly
If she sniffs a lot, like she has a runny nose, that can be cocaine’s most obvious one.
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