How Can I Help My Drug Phobia?
Question by Courtney: How can I help my drug phobia?
I know that sounds weird, but ever since I was little I could not handle people talking about or reading about harmful drugs (like pot, crack, etc.). Do you remember that drug-free DARE whatever thing you had to go through? Yeah, I threw up during that course and had to sit out the rest of the duration.
So, I get physically sick (I’ve fainted, thrown up, experienced lightheadedness, etc.) when I have to read about it or hear about it or even see a documentary on it. It’s probably a good thing, but for educational purposes it’s not so great.
And in my health class we’re about to cover those things and I really don’t want to throw up in front of my entire class.
Best answer:
Answer by veronica b
haha y r u 4 real thats funny y would u throw up ur silly
Answer by itssoeasy
I guess that from a young age you got the idea of what drugs were and stuck with that so in your head it is associated with a really bad thing.
to overcome it i guess you should try smoking weed, or at least a cigarette once (do it with someon you trust and make sure you DONT get addicted)
then you will know what it is and will be less afraid to talk about it. or, you can talk about it with a friend or parent until you feel comfortable with it.
the human body is really amazing, it can do so much.
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