How Addicting Is Cocaine?
Question by : How addicting is cocaine?
I just really wanna try coke.
Best answer:
Answer by dicky d
my answ is,don,t do it,unless addiction is something you want in your future!(go visit a detox ward/clinic or a methadone clinic,that,s no future for anyone at all,at all!!!!!
Answer by JB
Basically everyone is already addicted to it, they just don’t know it. It has a very strong psychological pull, and as soon as the first dose starts to wear off, it becomes very important to get more.
I sort of debated someone here once, who made it sound like no big deal, and she still actively does it. I haven’t done any in about 5 years now, but for about 10 years it was central to my life. I’m glad I managed to get over it, and don’t recommend it to anyone.
Dealing with drug addiction.avi — Dealing with drug addiction Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Program: Close-Up Broadcast Date: May 13, 1959 Guest(s): Douglas Denham, Robert Halliday, Glen …
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