Drug Induced Schizophrenic Brother?
Question by kuz: drug induced schizophrenic brother?
Hi, my brother has been diagnosed with schizophrenia last year from spending over $ 150,000 from an insurance settlement he got. He is 19 years old and he is still doing drugs such as, meth, crack and cocaine. This morning he tried to attack me with a knife thinking I tried to kill him by putting tape worms in his drink (while I was sleeping), his mind is gone its very sad what should I do i’m trying to get my parents to take him to a doctor so they can evaluate him as a danger to society, i’m scared for my life and his. What approach would you take??
Best answer:
Answer by softspot100
You need to get him sectioned for evaluation. Schizophrenia has a total hold over people where they are not responsible for their actions. However, safety of all relatives and friends must be paramount so immediate actions has to be taken. I think you must do it now.
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Florida woman arrested after child eats crack cocaine
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(AP) — Sheriff's officials say a north Florida woman faces child abuse charges after a 9-year-old child in her care got sick after eating a piece of crack cocaine. Hernando County Fire Rescue officials responded to Kimberly Losurdo's home Thursday …
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Former Pats player tells Foxboro kids about drug abuse
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Collins said pride and his self-image as a football star probably interfered with him getting help in fighting drug use. “I thought, 'hey, I'm Tony Collins. I can handle my problems. I've got this,' ” he said. “Well, I didn't have it. It had me.” The …
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