CRAFT Series Part 3: Allowing Negative Consequences

CRAFT Series Part 3: Allowing Negative Consequences — Does your loved one make decisions you think are flawed? Is it difficult to let them suffer the consequences of those decisions? Join us on 12/16 at 11AM EST…

Defendant fires attorney who got death penalty option off the table
The defense attorney who successfully worked to remove her client from a potential death penalty tied to a killing in a drug case withdrew from the case Wednesday after the client filed a disciplinary complaint. U.S. District Court Judge Julie Robinson …
Read more on Topeka Capital Journal

How Colombia's illegal gold mines are making life a misery for the people and
When it comes to operations, such as a prisoner transfer, police have to travel by helicopter as it is too dangerous for them to use the river. Correa added: “There is … In some regions the trade has become more lucrative than cocoa farms, which …
Read more on Scottish Daily Record

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