Crack Abuse: Crack Cocaine Abusers – Why They Lied to You Again

Crack cocaine abusers and liars, so the families and associates of crack users tell me, are one and the same. Is it possible to remove the lies while cocaine is still being abused? Hope I don’t have to answer that question for you.

Yet, that is the situation I am put in time and time again as a drug rehab consultant. The family or spouse calls me and tells me: “I love him dearly, but I just don’t know if I can trust him anymore. He keeps telling me he’s going to quit and then I catch him again. It’s getting so that I don’t believe anything he tells me.”

Drug abusers can be so mentally bankrupt they can’t even pay attention. They stare at you and agree with everything you say, then can’t follow through to do any of it.

The above is a more common happening than could be believed. I’ll put it this way, that’s how nearly every conversation started that I had with a client calling me. After a while, I found myself giving the same advice over and over. I trust this advice will help you and a loved one out.

Crack Cocaine Quick Facts

In Atlanta, GA about 50% of those arrested for crime test positive for cocaine
In Toronto & Vancouver Canada crack is a major drug of choice of homeless and poverty stricken
Smoking crack cocaine stimulates the brain faster and more intensively than regular cocaine, but people develop a FAST tolerance to the drug and can never achieve the high they just had
Paranoia, anger, hostility, anxiety are common effects of crack
Heart attack, seizures, tooth decay, skin eruptions, illness, stroke are potential effects of crack use

Anti-social behavior is possible of a suspected crack abuser. Minimally, a crack abuser will be associating with many criminal elements of society. And the cravings can lead to anti-social activities. I’m not just talking about drug use. I’m talking about infidelity, selling oneself, violent crime, property crime, drug dealing.

Something quite important to remember in all this disaster is that the loving person you once knew, before the drug abuse and the lies, is buried underneath a pile of regret, apathy, lies and artificial personalities. That means crack abusers often become someone else on their road down addiction.

Remember when they were fun to be with, trusting and trustworthy? When a tender moment with your loved one meant something? Maybe they’ve been cutting away for a long while and you have to go way back to recall some affection. I’ve found most, but not all people are basically acting on good motivation.

When someone fails themselves, when they violate their own integrity or personal code of honor, they begin a downward spiral sped up with crack cocaine abuse. Often times people will feel degraded by their own mis-actions. If a solution isn’t forthcoming and within an abusers ability to grasp, they’ll continue to abuse crack.

Mostly, families and loved ones of crack cocaine abusers err by not preparing themselves with knowledge and then act fast enough to rescue an addict when they have that brief moment of clarity. Learning is a two way street for those involved with crack abusers.

Learning how to help someone before they reach out for help can make all the difference in the world. We’ve helped you out by creating a live interview with a former crack abuser and now successful professional interventionist. To find out “Why addicts lie and don’t stop abusing, even if they want to stop.” Go to: Give Them Help

Tibor A. Palatinus, CCDC, is the Director of a Drug / Alcohol Detox and Rehab Consultancy which specializes in Referring Clients to Drug-free Detox and Rehab Programs which End Addiction for Life.

PS: See why addicts keep relapsing despite rehab and find out how to prevent relapse. Go to

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Changing Lives, One Story at a Time [PT 2] – Part 2 of 2 This documentary reveals the creative process behind true stories by teens at Youth Communication, publisher of the teen-written magazines New Youth Connections and Represent. A Necessary Films production with executive producer Ric Burns. Visit for more information.


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