Covington Police Pursuing 60 Alleged Drug Traffickers
Covington Police pursuing 60 alleged drug traffickers
Jones said this isn't the first time an investigation has warranted the aid of air surveillance, and it won't be the last. "When we're involved in an operation of this size, we prefer to use a helicopter or a small plane," he said. Covington police …
Drug driving limits announced
Drivers will be allowed to get behind the wheel if they have traces of illegal drugs such as cocaine or cannabis in their system under new drug driving limits being set by the government for the first time. But motorists who exceed certain thresholds …
Mayor Rob Ford's drug and gang connections enter mayoral debate
Drug dealers, gangs, crack and Rob Ford's personal life — issues that have dominated the Toronto news cycle for the past year, but were inconspicuously absent from debate number one — played centre stage at the second mayoral candidate face off …
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RAW Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Speaks after Admission Smoking Cocaine Let’s Get Back to Work — Toronto mayor Rob Ford admits having smoked cocaine, CBS reports on Tuesday. According to the Associated Press, Ford admitted to using crack “probably a year…
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