Cocaine Addiction Problem?
Question by siemprefieladw: Cocaine addiction problem?
Hi, My girlfriend used to use cocaine the one you use the nose, she promise me that she will never do it again, yesterday, she suddenly told me that she needed to go to a friends house, i told her i will go with her, so she stayed home, and suddenly she was getting a hard time to breath and was bleeding from the nose, she was like in shock, so I assume is a symptom that she need that drug and because she could not get it, an abstinence situation, so my question is, If someone use cocaine what are the abstinence symptoms? after use, what are the most reliable symptoms you can identify?
Best answer:
Answer by arualee
She was probably withdrawing. You usually get nausea, diarrhea, chills, and sometimes even seizures.
George, my brother suffered from addiction to cocaine for 10 years……..these are the symptoms that I witnessed when he chose to completely stop using. I was with him every single day, due to the fact that my whole family deserted him. He threw up constantly, had severe diarrhea, and shook tremendously. Now perhaps you have a more thorough knowledge of this, but I’m just stating what I saw and helped my brother go through. Perhaps it varies from person to person….I don’t know.
Answer by George
Arualee those withdrawal symptoms are for drugs that are physically dependent, such as heroin, alcohol and benzodiazepine.
Cocaine, even the crack-cocaine form (which is several times more addictive than the cocaine power form) is only a mentally dependent drug meaning the withdrawal symptoms are things such as agitation and restless behavior, depressed mood, fatigue, increased appetite, slowing of activity and cravings for the drug.
Short term symptoms will include runny nose, or nose bleeds.
Cocaine withdrawals are NOT diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, cold flashes with goose bumps, kicking movements, muscle and bone pain, seizures or chills like physically dependent drugs, such as heroin, alcohol and benzodiazepine.
However, cocaine has LONG TERM and SHORT TERM AFFECTS, which are different to withdrawals. This can include trouble breathing, heart attack, stroke, blood clot, hemorrhage, high blood pressure, liver or kidney problems.
Besides, cocaine withdrawals mild, even after years of a daily addiction. The only thing that is intense and the reason why people relapse with cocaine is because of the craving. Cocaine is a “more-ish” drug.
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