Thousands of Crack Cocaine Offenders Expected to Apply for Release From Prison

Thousands of crack cocaine offenders expected to apply for release from prison
WASHINGTON — Thousands of federal prisoners serving long sentences for crack cocaine offenses are expected to apply for release under new clemency rules that will be announced this week, officials said Monday. The new rules will broaden the… Continue reading

If Honorable Mr. George Walker Bush Dies From a Heart Attack, How Will You Explain the Cause of the Death?

Question by :) Has No Idea Of Politics (:: If honorable Mr. George Walker Bush dies from a heart attack, how will you explain the cause of the death?

Best answer:

Answer by Boomer Wisdom
I’ll assume you are aware that he has an amazingly… Continue reading

Justice Department Prepares for Clemency Requests From Thousands of Inmates

Justice Department prepares for clemency requests from thousands of inmates
For about two decades, strict sentences were imposed on offenders convicted of trafficking or possession with intent to traffic crack cocaine in the belief that the substance was more addictive than powder cocaine, inexpensive and linked to violent crime.
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Weird Symptoms After Minor Cocaine Use?

Question by : Weird symptoms after minor cocaine use?
Last Sunday I did a line of cocaine. It was really just a line and is definitely not habitual for me. The effect of it lasted way to long. Four hours later I still… Continue reading

How Do I Stop My Addiction to Cocaine?

Question by d9: How do I stop my addiction to cocaine?

Best answer:

Answer by Ben
dont buy any more if u dont got none u cant do none

Answer by Inspiration
im surprised you havent pawned your desktop/laptop to get cocaine.
go to rehab man best money you will… Continue reading

What’s in a Name for “Cocaine”? Drug Charges

What’s in a Name for “Cocaine”? Drug Charges
A man in Florida, USA named Edward Cocaine surely lives to his name when he faced with charges for possession of illegal drugs. The 34-year-old gentleman was busted after the police discovered him with a stash of Xanax. During his appearance in… Continue reading

Lucas County Commissioners, Other Officials Address Prescription Drug Abuse

Lucas County Commissioners, other officials address prescription drug abuse
In the United States more than 15 million people abuse prescription drugs – more than the combined number who reported abusing cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants and heroin, according to national health statistics compiled by county officials. Every day …
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Brazile: States Outpace Congress in Common-Sense Reform

Brazile: States outpace Congress in common-sense reform
Fifteen years ago, in Tallahassee, a federal judge sentenced Stephanie George, 27, the mother of two children, to life imprisonment without parole for possession of a half-kilogram of cocaine that her boyfriend (without her knowledge, she claimed) hid …
Read more on Pekin… Continue reading

Raiding a Big Cocaine Farm – Drug Server – Minecraft 1.4.2

Raiding a big cocaine farm – Drug server – Minecraft 1.4.2 — Hey guys! This is a raid. IP: Subscribe for more and thumbs up if u like the video.

Two 'pill mill' defendants convicted
Chapman allegedly did so, however, without conducting sufficient medical examinations and, indeed, was frequently… Continue reading

Metairie Cocaine and Heroin Dealer Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison – the Times-Picayune

Metairie cocaine and heroin dealer sentenced to 20 years in prison – The Times-Picayune

Metairie cocaine and heroin dealer sentenced to 20 years in prison
The Times-Picayune
Larry St. Amant, 36, of Metairie, was sentenced Monday to 20 years in prison, for his April 10 conviction of distributing cocaine and… Continue reading