Can Cocaine Make People Lose Weight and Look Older ?
Question by : Can cocaine make people lose weight and look older ?
Here’s the deal , my friend states it makes people drop weight and age faster and I stated no the one that does that is the horrible drug meth . I should know because I learned this in my biology class and I don’t ever remember hearing ish about cocaine making people age faster and drop weight!
Which one does it ? And what are the affects of cocaine ?
Best answer:
Answer by thisismehihi
i have a friend who died from cocaine overdose… he was only 20.
yes… it makes u lose weight n age quicker
it also is HIGHLY addictive.
he died in a public bathroom while getting another fix of it.
Answer by Kirsten Anderson
Both wreck your looks. Both make you lose weight. Both make you lose your mind once you get addicted. People don’t smoke meth here in UK but coke is popular. It makes your heart race, turns you into a massive egomaniac that wants to talk loudly about yourself and it dulls appetite which is why it’s favoured by models. Long term use can lead to mental health issues.
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