Are There Any Positive Effects of Experimental Drug Use?

Question by Kotek: Are there any positive effects of experimental drug use?
I know drugs often destroy people both physically and mentally. But can anything positive come from experiment drug use?

Best answer:

Answer by Kat
I wouldn’t think so. Especially if you’re thinking of experimenting with ecstasy, cocaine, meth, prescription pills, herion, shrooms, etc. The only drug I’ve ever used or trusted is marijuana, but I would never, ever touch anything else (I don’t even smoke cigarettes, though I do sometimes have a drink – I hate getting/being drunk, though). Also, most illegal drugs are very addictive, even cigarettes can be addictive after one use and they’re legal! I don’t exactly know what drugs you mean by “experimental drug use,” but I wouldn’t recommend it to you or anyone else.

Not to mention all of the above drugs are extremely expensive to get into. It’s how dealers lead such a nice life (sometimes). A friend of mine (who I also worked for at the time) was a dealer and was able to buy quite a lot of nice stuff off of other people’s money after working for just a month or two. And he still had money to buy the drugs he sold. So… what does that tell you? He also eventually got caught, put on house arrest, and had the weed, coke, and money that he had stored taken away. He’s free now, but it’s difficult for him to find a job now that he has anything relating to illegal drugs on his criminal history. Another friend of mine is also in rehab again (2nd time) for coke. He got hooked at a party after one use.

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