Any Experts on Cocaine Side Effects???
Question by catholicskoolgrl101: Any experts on Cocaine side effects???
Im not savvy at all when it comes to drugs. I suspect someone close to me is abusing this substance. I believe their family is working in the intervention.
They appear to have all fo the signs and symptoms. There is one that worries me since I didnt notice it before until recently, its more intermittent, seen it more like for 10 mins about every 2 hrs. Their left eye (lid) started drooping. And their actual eye starting looking like a “lazy eye”. I havent been able to find any info on this. Is this an extreme side effect, or is it a sign of a major complication?? Maybe some kind of neurological damage?? I assume its all bad, but I just would like to know how severe it is at this point. Or how does this happen or why.
Any info is appreciated. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by aWellWisher
Short Term Side Effects
Short term effects of cocaine include: dilated pupils, increased heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, increased temperature, insomnia, loss of appetite, and increased blood pressure.
The duration of cocaine’s immediate euphoric effects — which include energy, reduced fatigue, and mental clarity — depend on how it is used. The faster the absorption, the more intense the “high.” However, the faster the absorption, the shorter the high lasts.
The high from snorting may last 15–30 minutes, while that from smoking may last 5–10 minutes. Cocaine’s effects are short lived, and once the drug leaves the brain, the user experiences a “coke crash” that includes depression, irritability, and fatigue.
Long Term Effects
There is great risk whether cocaine is ingested by inhalation (snorting), injection, or smoking. It appears that compulsive cocaine use may develop even more rapidly if the substance is smoked rather than snorted. Smoking allows extremely high doses of cocaine to reach the brain very quickly and brings an intense and immediate high. The injecting drug user is at risk for transmitting or acquiring HIV infection/AIDS if needles or other injection equipment are shared. 4
Users who smoke or inject cocaine may be at even greater risk than those who snort it. Smoking crack cocaine can produce a particularly aggressive paranoid behavior in users. Cocaine smokers suffer from acute respiratory problems including coughing, shortness of breath, and severe chest pains with lung trauma and bleeding. In addition, it appears that compulsive cocaine use may develop even more rapidly if the substance is smoked rather than snorted.
Know the Signs
How can you tell if someone is using cocaine? Sometimes it’s tough to tell. But there are signs you can look for. Here are some warning signs, someone may be using cocaine or other illicit drugs:
• red, bloodshot eyes
• runny nose or frequent sniffing
• change in eating or sleeping patterns
• change in groups of friends
• change in behavior / school grades
• frequently needing money
• losing interest in school, family, or activities once enjoyed
• acting withdrawn, depressed, tired, or careless about personal appearance
What can you do to help someone who is using cocaine ?
Be real friend. Save a life. Encourage your friend to stop or seek professional help. For information and referrals, call GDCADA’s Information & Referral Line:
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