Addicted to Cocaine?
Question by DEBUR: Addicted to Cocaine?
I have a few friends that I have known for awhile and they have started doing coke more and more often, my other friend and i are trying to think of ways that will stick in theor minds on why it is bad because all of the things we have told them don’t seem to work. I have never taken Coke so i have no idea if it addicting like ciggs are or if its just the high they are in love with. PLEASE HELP…anything you guys can think of!!!
Come on you guys this is serious!! Im not talking about sodas…if you dont have a good answer then don’t bother. If you guys were in my position you would want a real answer!
And telling them to stop, its not that easy….they like additcted to this shit.
Best answer:
Answer by boooom?
stay away from drugs!!
Answer by deathbymonkeys69
I was addicted to coke for awhile…..then switched to pepsi and damn near drowned.
Ron W. Cocaine Anonymous Speaker —
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