Can I Help Her Beat Her Addiction?
Question by : Can i help her beat her addiction?
My girlfriend Brooke is addicted to drugs. Her drugs of choice are marijuana cocaine and her favorite heroin. She was released from jail Sunday after a year for possession of these drugs. I promised her i would help her get clean when she was in jail. However two days ago i caught her shooting up and yesterday snorting coke. She told me drugs are more important to her than me. She told me she has to do drugs because they make her better in bed. Can she beat her addiction?
sorry to her about your loss that’s sad she is only 17
Best answer:
Answer by Joanie
She has to want to. Nobody can help her if she refuses help. Obviously she hasn’t hit her bottom yet. My ex friend died 2 yrs ago from heroin and cocaine. She left 2 young daughters. She was 37 yrs old Sad :-(
Answer by Pill.Poppin.Animal
The only way an addict will get clean is id THEY truely want to.
Dont take it personaly when she says drugs are more important than you, to every addict they are!
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